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In the unlikely event that you've never heard of Goku, he's a fictional character from the anime and manga franchise, Dragon Ball. Goku first appeared in the 1984 manga series, Dragon Ball, and has since appeared in a total of 26 episodes and 18 movies, the latest being Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods. In the DBZ world, Goku is a famous and skilled warrior who often teams up with otherworldly beings to defend the Earth against evil.

In the 20 speeches given by the Justice League, there are no i

Justice League Reactions to Goku Landing in their World


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Question: Write the reactions of the Justice league in 20 speeches of the following scenario: Goku accidentally went to the DC world and to the earth ,and he crashed landed on Alaska. Note to ai: nobody knows who Goku is.

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1. Wonder Woman: "It seems that an unknown entity has made an unexpected entrance into our world! We must take all necessary precautions to ensure the safety of the citizens of Alaska and the world." 2. Superman: "It is my duty to investigate this unknown entity, as well as determine if any damage was done to the citizens. I will do my best to ensure the safety of all." 3. The Flash: "Speed is of the essence! We need to get to Alaska as quickly as possible to assess the situation and act accordingly." 4. Batman: "This could be a potentially dangerous situation since we are not sure of who, or what, this unknown entity is. We must take all necessary safety precautions and be prepared for anything." 5. Aquaman: "The ocean and seas around Alaska will also need to be monitored for any possible threat or enemy. I will coordinate with the Navy to ensure that all necessary precautions are taken." 6. Martian Manhunter: "This could be a test of our abilities, so I will use my powers to search the area for any clue as to the identity of our intruder." 7. Green Lantern: "My power ring will provide us with protection and help us to determine what this intruder's intentions are." 8. Hawkgirl: "I will use my wings to quickly reach Alaska and ensure the safety of the citizens. My aerial view could be useful in finding the intruder as well." 9. Black Canary: "My sonic scream will also provide us with protection and can be used as a defensive measure if needed." 10. Firestorm: "I will provide a protective force field around the area to keep the citizens safe." 11. Zatanna: "My magical spells could be useful in defense or in communication with the intruder if needed." 12. Red Tornado: "My storms and wind can be used to assist in defending against any potential attack or to locate the intruder." 13. Steel: "My armor and strength can be used to protect the citizens of Alaska as well as to find the intruder." 14. Vixen: "I will use the power of animals to

Answered by text-davinci-003

Jan. 18, 2023, 1:41 a.m.

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Published: Wednesday, January 18, 2023

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