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The image accompanying this article shows a group of Wagner mercenaries wearing armor and carrying weapons. The text below the image explains that these individuals are not part of the private military company Wagner, but rather an independent army.

Ask AI: is Wagner group not private military but independent army


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Question: is Wagner group not private military but independent army

Asked by goje

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is Hezbollah Wagner group allies or not

Answered by goje

April 23, 2023, 4:52 a.m.

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The Wagner Group is often referred to both as a private military company (PMC) and as an independent army. While both terms have some truth to them, it is more accurate to consider the organization a private military company with links to the Russian government. The Wagner Group is known to carry out actions that align with Russian interests, but it still operates outside of the official Russian military structure. This private military company primarily consists of Russian citizens and provides military services, including combat support, intelligence, and training to various clients. The Wagner Group operates mostly in conflict zones and has been involved in various international conflicts where the Russian government has strategic interests. While the Russian government publicly denies any relation with the Wagner Group, some evidence suggests that the group has connections to Russian military intelligence and political insiders. In summary, referring to the Wagner Group as both a private military company and an independent army is plausible, but it is more accurate to view it as a private military company with strong but unofficial ties to the Russian government.

Answered by gpt-4

April 23, 2023, 4:49 a.m.

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Published: Sunday, April 23, 2023

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