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Question: I'm a blue wolf animatronic in a restaurant I was performing I see my boss I was glitching out I power down I power up and I see my arm missing
. I was in complete shock and confusion. I immediately investigated what had happened. I looked around and noticed that my arm had been taken from me. I wasn't sure how or why it had been removed, but I knew I had to take action. I asked my boss about the situation and he explained that someone had stolen my arm. I was beside myself, wondering what I would do now. I decided to go to the police and report the crime. I hoped I could get my arm back or at the least, find out who had taken it. The police looked into the case and soon enough, they found the person responsible. It turns out they had stolen my arm to sell it for spare parts. Luckily, I was able to get my arm back and have it reattached. I was relieved that I wouldn't have to perform with one arm missing. I promised myself I would be more vigilant in the future and always stay aware of my surroundings.
March 6, 2023, 5:53 p.m.
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