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1. Education – Invest in your knowledge; read as much as you can and never stop learning. Spend time learning about different cultures, economies, and governments. Be sure to get a good formal education, either through a college or other educational institutions. 2. Network – Build relationships with people in business and the government in order to have access to resources and to have influence. If you don’t have access to the same resources as everyone else, figure out a way to get it. 3. Utilize Technology – Technology can be extremely powerful. Use it to your advantage by creating websites, apps, and businesses. You can also use social media to extend your influence and network. 4. Have an Impact – Use your influence to drive meaningful change in your local community and the world. Whether that’s through political activism or charitable work, find ways to make a positive impact. 5. Don't Give Up – No matter what obstacles you face, never give up. It will take time, but eventually, you can make a difference and help shape the future.
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