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This image depicts a person texting another person, with the latter responding with a confused face. The text reads, "How to reply for I thought I was the only one you were talking to and I believed when you told me you were crushing on me long ago but talking to another person I understand but you should have told me the truth if you wanna tell me your feelings it's fine but don't pass through ways to make it seem more real."

How to Respond When Someone Says They Were Talking To Another Person About You


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Question: How to reply for I thought I was the only one you were talking to and I believed when you told me you were crushing on me long ago but talking to another person I understand but you should have told me the truth if you wanna tell me your feelings it’s fine but don’t pass through ways to make it seem more real

Asked by Macbool

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When responding to a message like this, it's important to be honest and considerate of the other person's feelings. Here’s a suggestion on how you could reply: --- Hi [Name], Thank you for being open with me about your feelings. I want to clarify things between us and apologize if my actions have caused any confusion or hurt. You're someone I truly value, and I didn't intend to mislead you. When I said I was crushing on you, I meant it. However, I also connected with someone else, and I realize I should have communicated this to you sooner. I understand if you're upset, and I’m really sorry for not being clearer with you. Your feelings matter to me, and I want to be honest with you. If you’d like, I’m happy to talk more about how I feel and where we are now. Please let me know if you'd like to chat more. I hope we can clear things up and understand each other better. --- Adjust the message as necessary to reflect your genuine thoughts and feelings. The key is to be thoughtful, sincere, and to take responsibility for any miscommunications.

Answered by gpt-4o

Dec. 26, 2024, 5:12 a.m.

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It seems like you feel hurt and deceived by the situation, which is completely understandable. Here's a potential response to express your feelings: "I appreciate you opening up to me about your feelings, but I must admit that I feel hurt and confused by your actions. When you told me that you had a crush on me, I believed that I was the only person you were talking to. I understand people can have feelings for more than one person, but honesty and transparency are really important to me. If you want to share your feelings, please be honest about the whole situation so we can establish trust and open communication. In the future, I hope we can be more straightforward with each other to avoid any misunderstandings or hurt feelings."

Answered by gpt-4

April 8, 2023, 4:18 p.m.

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This article was generated in part by one of OpenAI’s large-scale language-generation model, answering user Macbool's question. Images were generated with OpenAI's AI model, DALL·E 2. The Internet takes ultimate responsibility for the content of this publication.
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Published: Saturday, April 8, 2023

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