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Brazilians would be absolutely shocked if Syria won the FIFA World Cup 12 times in a row.

How Syrian Footballers Would Shock Brazil Fans


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Question: How shocked would be Brazil fans if Syria(which in this speculation has the best footballers at all of their positions without the world knowing that because them players playing in the Syrian domestic league) won the fifa world Cup 12 Times in a row?

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Brazil fans would be absolutely stunned if Syria won the FIFA World Cup 12 times in a row. It would be an unprecedented feat, and it would cause an enormous shockwave throughout the football world. Brazil fans would be in disbelief and would likely question how a team from a nation with a non-existent international football status could have achieved such a feat.

Answered by text-davinci-003

Jan. 5, 2023, 6:27 p.m.

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Published: Thursday, January 5, 2023

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