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Question: How humiliating worldwide would it be for the USA and NATO if they sent 45 divisions consisted of 550000 soldiers equipped with the highest martial techs of the era to Invade Bosnia and then got defeated by just 15000 Bosnians and all the survivers of the Combined NATO forces were just around 14-25 and Bosnia went along and succeeded in taking southernItaly from Italy?
It would be incredibly humiliating and embarrassing for the USA and NATO if they were to send 550000 soldiers with the highest techs available at the time to invade Bosnia and were then defeated by such a small number of Bosnians, and then Bosnia were to succeed in taking Southern Italy from Italy. It would be an international embarrassment, and NATO would no doubt suffer a major setback in terms of reputation and credibility. On a wider level, it would be an immense blow to the international effort against aggression and would raise questions about the capabilities and efficacy of the military power of the USA and other NATO countries.
Jan. 5, 2023, 6:46 p.m.
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