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A Mysterious Hacker with an Arsenal of Nukes plants them in random cities and releases a video telling which country will be next. Before every Nuclear detonation, they release a video telling the governments which country will be next. The governments thought they had arrested the hacker, but it was a fake Android that contained a Nuke itself. When the android was being judged, the Nuke detonated destroying the Court and the City it was in, and killing more than 750000 people. The governments

How a Mysterious Hacker Wrecked Cities with Nukes


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Question: if a mysterious Hacker that has an arsenal of nukes and plants them in a random cities, abd before every Nuclear detonation he releases a video telling which country will be next, and when the governments thought to have arrested him , it was a fake Android which contained a Nuke itself, and when the android was being judged the Nuke detonated destroying the Court and the City it was in and killing more than 750000 people, and they could never find or track the Mysterious Hacker, but theories tell us that he is from Syria. Speculate the reaction of thee world through 20 tweets in twiter.

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1. This is an act of terror--a number of innocent lives have been lost and a city destroyed. We must unite against this unknown hacker. #NukeAttack #Syria 2. We must find those responsible for this devastating attack and make sure that justice is served. #JusticeForVictims 3. Might is NOT right. Terrorism has no place in a civilized world. #NoToTerrorism 4. Unacceptable attack on a city and its citizens. Governments must take action to prevent this from happening again #NoNuclearWeapons #Syria 5. Now more than ever we must come together to take a stand against terrorism and protect our countries. #StopTerrorism 6. We call on all countries to reject violence and work together to build a safer world. #PeaceOverWar 7. Our thoughts are with the victims and the families of those affected by this tragedy. #PrayForTheVictims 8. This kind of horrific attack is an attack on humanity itself. We must stand together against this. #NoToTerrorists 9. The devastating attack by the mysterious hacker should be a wake-up call to the world. #Syria 10. The world must take a strong stand against those who use violence and terror to achieve their goals. #NoToTerror 11. We must do everything we can to ensure the safety of the innocent people affected by the attack. #PeaceAndSafety 12. We must work together to put an end to the use of nuclear weapons by any means necessary. #NoNukes 13. Governments must take every precaution to ensure that this attack is never repeated. #SecureOurCities 14. We must not forget the victims of this attack and make sure that justice is served. #RemembertheVictims 15. Our hearts go out to the families of those who were killed in the attack. We must never forget. #NeverForget 16. We must hold those responsible for the attack accountable--no matter who they are or where they come from. #Accountability 17. We must not allow fear and terror to dominate our lives. We must remain strong and united. #UnitedAgainstTerror 18. The world must take a strong stance and condemn this attack. #CondemnTheAttack 19. The attack by the mysterious hacker is a reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of peace. #PeaceNotWar 20.

Answered by text-davinci-003

Jan. 6, 2023, 9:13 p.m.

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Published: Friday, January 6, 2023

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