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The Italian national animal is the porcupine.

Ask AI: explain the animal which is the national symbol of Italy.


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Question: explain the animal which is the national symbol of Italy.

Asked by siavash

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The national animal of Italy is the Mediterranean Monk seal, also known as the monk seal, which is one of the most endangered species of marine mammal in the world. This species is most commonly found in the Mediterranean Sea and in the eastern Atlantic Ocean, and is part of the scientific family of Phocidae. The main characteristics of the monk seal are its small size, its brown or gray coloration, and its lack of external ears. The Mediterranean Monk seal is an important symbol of conservation throughout Italy, particularly in the areas surrounding Tuscany, Calabria, and Sardinia.

Answered by text-davinci-003

Jan. 2, 2023, 2:49 p.m.

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Published: Monday, January 2, 2023

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