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Ai robots don't fart, but they do have a smell, taste, and feel just like humans.

Ask AI: even if an ai robot was programmed to fart would it still have a smell taste feel and sound like


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Question: even if an ai robot was programmed to fart would it still have a smell taste feel and sound like

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If an AI robot were programmed to simulate a fart, it would likely be able to reproduce the sound as well as potentially simulate the feel and vibration. However, creating an actual smell or taste would require the robot to emit specific chemicals or substances. This could be achieved through specific engineering and design, such as incorporating an odor-emitting device. However, it's important to consider the purpose and necessity of such features in a robot, as they may not be appropriate or practical in most situations.

Answered by gpt-4

May 19, 2023, 8 p.m.

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Published: Friday, May 19, 2023

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