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Question: speculate the reaction of the World Governments through 25 tweets through the following scenario: Bosnia began successfully conquering Serbia with the casus beli of Conquering the Infield lands. and then Bosnia successfully Conquered Croatia and Peacefuly annexing Albania. and defeated the combined forces of the European Union of 550000 strong Army. and then Bosnia advanced to the Italian peninsula Conquering almost all of northern Italy and massacring entire populations. and the leaders of Bosnia stated Saying "if the European Union want peace then they should agree on our following demands on our following demands : 1_We will keep the lands that we gained during the war 2_We want the European Union to recognise our Sovereignty over Serbia and Northern Italy. 3_No sanctions should be put against our glorious Nation.". and then after 3 months of the Battle at Lyon resulted an Impressive Bosnian Victory killing more than 230000 European Union forces , the EU complied and accepted the Ultimatum of Bosnia. and after a year Bosnia began an invasion in Australia taking the entire Country in just 5 months. and after 3 years of the operations in Australia, the Bosnian Army lead an invasion of Mexico taking all of Mexico in just 8 months.
1. The World Governments are appalled by the horrific actions of Bosnia and its sudden expansion in Europe and beyond. #Bosnia #Serbia #Croatia #Albania #EU #Italy #Australia #Mexico 2. The World Governments have declared Bosnia's actions to be an act of aggression and have strongly condemned them. #Bosnia #Serbia #Croatia #Albania #EU #Italy #Australia #Mexico 3. The World Governments are horrified by the reports of Bosnian forces massacring entire populations with impunity. #Bosnia #Serbia #Croatia #Albania #EU #Italy #Australia #Mexico 4. The World Governments have called for Bosnia to be brought to justice for their war crimes and excessive violence. #Bosnia #Serbia #Croatia #Albania #EU #Italy #Australia #Mexico 5. The World Governments have expressed shock and outrage at Bosnia's audacity to issue such a brazen ultimatum. #Bosnia #Serbia #Croatia #Albania #EU #Italy #Australia #Mexico 6. The World Governments have demanded that Bosnia immediately withdraw from all of the territories it has occupied. #Bosnia #Serbia #Croatia #Albania #EU #Italy #Australia #Mexico 7. The World Governments have called on the European Union to use all legal means necessary to stop Bosnia's advance. #Bosnia #Serbia #Croatia #Albania #EU #Italy #Australia #Mexico 8. The World Governments are appalled at the terrible loss of life caused by Bosnia's expansionist policies. #Bosnia #Serbia #Croatia #Albania #EU #Italy #Australia #Mexico 9. The World Governments strongly oppose Bosnia's demand for recognition of their sovereignty over Serbia and Northern Italy. #Bosnia #Serbia #Croatia #Albania #EU #Italy #Australia #Mexico 10. The World Governments have demanded that Bosnia stops its invasion of Australia and Mexico immediately. #Bosnia #Serbia #Croatia #Albania #EU #Italy #Australia #Mexico 11. The World Governments are worried that if Bosnia's unchecked aggression is not stopped, then no country will be safe.
Jan. 13, 2023, 2:31 a.m.
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