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Digital illustration of Laura Kinney (X-23) standing next to Wolverine, her mentor, as they share a moment of intense training

Ask AI: Did mutant Laura Kinney have a mentor? who was it and what role did he play in her life?


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Question: Did mutant Laura Kinney have a mentor? who was it and what role did he play in her life?

Asked by vivi.lex

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Laura Kinney, also known as X-23 and later as Wolverine, is a mutant character from the Marvel Comics universe. Her mentor was the original Wolverine, whose name is Logan. Logan played a significant role in Laura's life. He acted as her guide, protector, and father figure. He taught her how to control her anger, deal with her past traumas, and use her abilities responsibly. Furthermore, he provided her with the moral compass she often lacked, given her background as a weaponized human experiment. When Logan died, Laura took up his mantle as the Wolverine to honor him and carried on his legacy. Logan’s influence is constantly seen in Laura’s actions and decisions, signifying the critical role he played as her mentor.

Answered by gpt-4

Feb. 10, 2024, 3:27 a.m.

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Published: Saturday, February 10, 2024

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