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Question: Critically discuss the relevance of history as current Debates about History as a subject 1000 word with citations the debates must be current
Title: The Contemporary Relevance of History as a Subject and Current Debates Introduction As the adage goes: those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. The study of history has significant relevance in contemporary times, though its importance is the subject of ongoing debate. Pedagogically, historically focused curriculum is being challenged, especially against a backdrop of subjects perceived as urgent in the 21st-century sphere such as technology and climate studies. This essay will critically discuss the current debates and the relevance of history as a subject. The Importance of Contextual Knowledge Understanding history provides contextual knowledge of societal, political, cultural, and economic transformations over the years (Wineburg, 2001). It imparts insight into why certain practices exist and how they have evolved, contributing to informed decision-making and forecasting future impacts. History and Cultural Identity According to Ankersmit (2012), understanding history is vital for preserving cultural identities. Individuals use historical narratives as a reference to identify themselves and relate with their society. It weaves a societal fabric of shared experiences and collective memories. Memory vs History Debates The first debate focuses on the conflict between memory and history. Nora (1989) argues that the gap between history (the objective past facts) and collective memory (society's constructed past) has been growing, thus questioning history's relevance. However, Western (2015) posits that understanding this dichotomy can allow history teaching to improve collective memory, increasing its relevance in contemporary society. Teaching Historical Thinking Historical thinking, a crucial skill developed through history studies, is a subject of debate. Critics argue that factual recall is no longer enough, and students should learn to think historically (Seixas & Morton, 2013). This notion centers around the comprehension of historical significance, the use of primary source evidence, understanding historical perspectives, and understanding ethical dimensions. Debate on De-colonising History Subjects The impact of colonialism and the need to decolonize the history syllabus is a crucial contemporary debate (Quinn, 2017). Critics have argued that history education is often presented from a Euro-centric perspective, undermining other contributions to global history. Moreover, it could perpetuate myths and reinforce stereotypes, thus emphasizing the need for a more inclusive and diversified history education. Conclusion While there are ongoing debates on different aspects of the study of history, its relevance cannot be denied. History helps us arbitrate complex situations by providing perspectives and understanding, preserving cultural identities and promoting societal coherence. Above all, it concedes to the evolution of thought process and conception of identity, while also rectifying the errors of the past. Therefore, the importance of history, despite any topical discourse, remains indisputable. References Ankersmit, F. (2012). Meaning, Truth, and Reference in Historical Representation. Cornell University Press. Nora, P. (1989). Between Memory and History: Les Lieux de Mémoire. Representations, 26, 7-24. Quinn, R. (2017). Decolonising the curriculum: Teaching and learning about race equality. University of Chester. Seixas, P., & Morton, T. (2013). The Big Six Historical Thinking Concepts. Nelson Education Ltd. Western, J. (2015). Cosmopolitan Europe: A Strasbourg Self-Portrait. University of Chicago Press. Wineburg, S. (2001). Historical Thinking and Other Unnatural Acts: Charting the Future of Teaching the Past. Temple University Press.
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