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Question: Critically discuss "current" Debates about History as a subject 1000 word with citations and references the debates must be current
Title: The Current Debates Surrounding the Study of History The transformative age that we all live in, driven by technology and globalisation, has brought an array of debates about the importance and relevance of history as a subject. This textual discussion explores the current arguments, counterarguments, and further considerations involved in these dialogues. The relevance of history in education is under constant scrutiny. The importance of history in creating informed, multicultural, and civic-minded individuals is widely appreciated, but there's an ongoing debate surrounding its importance compared to science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) subjects (Chapman, 2017). The pressing need to meet the future workforce’s demands has perhaps shifted the focus to STEM subjects at the expense of history and other Humanities subjects. Although this technological emphasis is vital, such an imbalance could potentially cause a ‘cultural anaemia' where students lack a fundamental understanding of the human civilization's progression (Husbands, 2016). A key argument about the 'History Wars' centres on how historical events and figures should be portrayed. While history should be objectivity’s pursuit, revisionists argue that it often falls prey to ‘presentism’, where current ideologies and perceptions frame historical narratives (Foner, 2002). This kind of ‘sanitized’ history, stripped of uncomfortable truths, doesn’t promote learning or understanding. This debate has led to the rise of ‘public history’ movements pushing for a more comprehensive, open treatment of past events (Rosenzweig, 2011). The third debate highlights the ‘Eurocentric’ approach to history, often marginalising non-Western experiences and narratives (Bentley, 1996). Critics argue that this bias skews our understanding of the world and fuels ethnocentrism. Possibly the most fundamental debate is the questioning of whether history can be entirely unbiased and neutral as a discipline (Peter Novick, 1988). Historians, after all, are influenced by their pre-existing beliefs and historical context. This contentious issue opens discussions about the role of historians and how they can navigate their objectivity. Conclusively, history as an educational subject is debated amidst the contemporary world's requirements. The portrayal of historic events, Western-oriented approach, and the question of neutrality are critical debates in the present. However, the essence of history lies in learning from past experiences, making it remain relevant. References: Bentley, J. H. (1996). Cross-cultural interaction and periodization in world history. The American Historical Review, 101(3), 749-770. Chapman, A. (2017). Taking the next step: the uses of history in school history textbooks. History of Education, 46(1), 1-21. Foner, E. (2002). Who owns history? Rethinking the past in a changing world. Hill and Wang. Husbands, C. (2016). What is history teaching? Language, ideas, and meaning in learning about the past. Open University Press. Novick, P. (1988). That Noble Dream: The "Objectivity Question" and the American Historical Profession. Cambridge University Press. Rosenzweig, R., & Thelen, D. P. (2011). The presence of the past: popular uses of history in American life. Columbia University Press.
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