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Question: onclusion: Write a paragraph summarizing the overall findings of your experiment. Explain how your data did/did not support your hypothesis and what further study you could conduct. Be sure to compare the data from the lab to what you observed out in the field. You may discuss what factors impacted your data collection and results.
In summary, the findings of my experiment partially supported my initial hypothesis. While the laboratory results showed a clear trend consistent with my predictions, the field observations presented a more complex picture, influenced by various environmental variables that were difficult to control. In the lab, the data indicated a strong correlation between the independent and dependent variables, thereby validating my hypothesis under controlled conditions. However, when comparing these results to the field data, several discrepancies emerged, suggesting that external factors such as weather conditions, human interference, and measurement errors might have impacted the outcomes. These inconsistencies highlight the need for further studies that incorporate a broader range of environmental conditions and extended observation periods. By refining data collection techniques and increasing sample sizes, future research could provide a more comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon and address the limitations encountered in this initial study.
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