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Question: Can you write me a 2 paragraph summary on Irena Sendler
Irena Sendler, born on February 15, 1910 in Warsaw, Poland, was a courageous and compassionate Polish social worker, nurse, and humanitarian who played a heroic role during the Holocaust. Her selfless and daring acts saved the lives of approximately 2,500 Jewish children from the Warsaw Ghetto. A member of the Polish underground resistance organization, Żegota, Sendler collaborated with others to smuggle children out of the Ghetto and place them in safe hands with Christian families, orphanages, and convents. Forged identification documents, ingenious covert operations, and an unwavering commitment to rescuing the innocent enabled this brave woman to confront the horrors perpetrated by the Nazis. Despite being arrested by the Gestapo in 1943, Sendler did not let torture or imprisonment quell her dedication to the cause. She refused to reveal the identities of the children or her fellow conspirators, ensuring the safety of countless lives. After managing to escape, she continued her noble efforts until the war's end. Sadly, her incredible story remained shrouded in obscurity for decades, until three Kansas students uncovered her history and brought her deeds to light in 1999. Irena Sendler, a true hero and luminary, passed away on May 12, 2008, but her legacy of compassion and bravery continues to inspire generations to stand against injustice and hatred.
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