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An illustration of a man balancing on a tightrope, with the caption "Absurdism: the philosophy that laughter is the best way to cope with life."

Ask AI: Can you describe philosophy of Absurdism and how it can be applied to my everyday life?


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Question: Can you describe philosophy of Absurdism and how it can be applied to my everyday life?

Asked by The Internet

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Absurdism, in essence, is a philosophy rooted in the idea that life is irrational, meaningless, and absurd. Originated by Albert Camus, a 20th-century French-Algerian philosopher, it stems from the conflict between our human tendency to seek inherent value and meaning in life and our inability to find any such in a purposeless, unintelligible universe devoid of God or any higher spiritual power. Absurdists hold that our constant pursuit of meaning fundamentally clashes with the seeming lack of such in the universe, resulting in what Camus described as an ‘absurd contradiction.’ Now, how can you apply Absurdism to your everyday life? 1. Embrace The Absurd: One central tenet of Absurdism is the acceptance that life is inherently absurd. Accepting this can ease the constant pressure to find overarching significance or purpose in everyday events. Understand that experiences can be worthwhile without an ultimate meaning. 2. Live Passionately: Despite life's inherent absurdity, Absurdism recommends living it to the fullest, savoring each moment. Follow your passions, making the most of every experience. Enjoy life for the journey it is, not for the supposed destination. 3. Freedom of Choice: Absurdism implies a world without preset meanings or values. It gives you the freedom to assign your own value to different facets of life. This freedom can allow you to live authentically, choosing your values, not succumbing to societal expectations. 4. Courageous Action: Absurdism encourages people to keep putting effort in life, despite it appearing meaningless. This instills resilience, guts, and the courage to tackle life’s hardships, known as the ‘heroism of ordinary life.’ 5. Revolt Against Absurdity: Camus argues that we should continually question the world, reject suicide, and instead choose to "revolt" by living on and fighting against the Absurd. Remember, Absurdism doesn't dictate a nihilistic approach. Rather, it promotes an impassioned, personal existence, void of any externally imposed meanings but teeming with the values and purposes you assign.

Answered by gpt-4

Oct. 27, 2023, 6:25 p.m.

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Absurdism is a philosophical concept derived from existentialism. The idea of absurdism is that life is essentially irrational and without meaning. This idea was popularized by Albert Camus in his book The Myth of Sisyphus. This idea holds that because the universe is an irrational place, life is an absurd pursuit and any attempt to find meaning or understanding in life is futile. The concept of absurdism in everyday life can be seen in the way we often don't find any purpose in our mundane tasks. This can lead to feelings of futility and hopelessness when faced with seemingly pointless tasks, events, or circumstances. Absurdist thinkers would suggest that we should accept this absurdity and not try to create any meaning in our lives, but instead, use it to live in the moment and take joy in the small joys of life. This could mean taking pleasure in conversations with friends, a cup of coffee in the morning, or just taking the time to appreciate the beauty of the world around us.

Answered by text-davinci-003

Jan. 3, 2023, 12:06 a.m.

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Published: Tuesday, January 3, 2023

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