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Question: At five nights at Freddy's I got stuff in the animatronic from the murderer and the others saw me and they were sad that they couldn't save me I was I become active and I look around??? I got scared because I become a animatronic!? It's not a game it's not a game! I walk around inside it ???? But I was one and I see the camera is turned on that means the night God is here and I feel weird and I got mad
and I wanted to get out! I try to move my feet and the other animatronic start to move!? I look up and the eyes lit up and the music start playing!? I try to follow the other animatronic and they lead me to the door and when I open the door I see the bright light and I'm free!!!!!
Jan. 16, 2023, 9:46 a.m.
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