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A group of scientists have recently announced that they have found a planet which is on a course to collide with Earth, potentially wiping out all life on the planet. As a result, many people are considering atheism, as they have no faith in the Scientists' abilities.

Atheists React to the Doomsday Planet Announcement


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Question: speculate the reaction of the World through 25 tweets of the following events : the Scientists just announced that an unknown Planet the size of almost the Earth is heading towards us in astonishing speed and is espected to 100% collide with the earth and end all life on it .And after 3 days, the Scientists announced that the Announcement was a prank starting "What fools, believing everything we say without any evidance,no wander many of you are atheists".

Asked by abdulrhman8

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1. Scientists just announced that a planet the size of the Earth is heading towards us & they expect it to kill us all. What could this be? #unknownPlanet 2. Scientists just announced that a planet the size of the Earth is headed our way that could potentially end all life on Earth. #doomed 3. Scientists just said that a planet is headed our way & is set to collide w/Earth & end all life as we know it. Prepare for the end. #apocalypse 4. The end is near: Scientists just announced that an unknown Planet is heading towards Earth & will cause the destruction of all life. #apocalypse 5. So it begins...Scientists announced that an unknown Planet is headed towards Earth & will cause the end of all life. #doomed 6. Scientists just announced an unknown Planet headed towards us & are expecting a catastrophic collision that will end all life. #doomed 7. Scientists just announced that a planet the size of Earth is headed towards us & a collision is expected that will end all life. #apocalypse 8. Armageddon is imminent: an unknown Planet heading our way could lead to the destruction of all life on Earth. #doomed 9. Watch out! An unknown Planet is headed our way & is expected to end all life when it collides with Earth. #apocalypse 10. Scientists just announced that an Earth-sized Planet is headed towards us &will cause a catastrophic collision that will end all life. #doomed 11. Scientists just announced that an unknown Planet is headed towards Earth & they expect it to end all life when it collides. #apocalypse 12. Catastrophic news: Scientists announced that a planet is headed our way that could cause the destruction of all life on Earth. #doomed 13. Brace yourselves! Scientists just announced an unknown Planet is headed towards us & will cause the end of all life when it collides. #apocalypse 14. Oh No! Scientists just announced that an Earth-sized Planet is headed towards us & will cause a collision that will end all life. #doomed 15. All hope is lost: Scientists announced that an unknown Planet is headed towards Earth & will bring about the destruction of all life. #apocalypse 16. Hold on tight: Scientists just announced an Earth-sized Planet is headed our way &they expect it to end

Answered by text-davinci-003

March 8, 2023, 11:29 p.m.

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Published: Wednesday, March 8, 2023

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