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Question: Question: 1. What is a professional teacher? (1) 2. Read the given scenarios below and indicate whether in each scenario the teacher acted in a professional manner or not? Give two reasons for each scenario to support your stance. (39) Scenarion1 Mrs Karateka is a grade 7 maths teacher. Whatever the reason was, the teacher demonstrated several defensive holds during the class. She even demonstrated how to perform a chokehold using several of her students! Her demonstration was so effective that one of the students passed out, but fortunately, the student did not sustain any permanent injuries. Scenario 2 Pathetic, a grade 1 learner was accused of clogging the toilet by her teacher. Pathetic was ordered by her teacher to unclog the toilet with her bare hands. The student had not clogged the toilet on purpose; it happened naturally. Yet the teacher told her to clean her waste and toilet paper out with her bare hands. Scenario 3 Mr Excitement is a soccer coach of Lotanang special school His team won a local school soccer tournament. Mr Excitement realised that the school transport was not around to transport the players back to the school. Without inquiring further about the school transport, Mr Excitement stuffed all 11 players into his Honda Accord. Two players rode in the front seat, seven in the back seat, and two other rode in the latched trunk. TOTAL 40
1. A professional teacher is a teacher who has undergone the necessary training and education to teach in a professional capacity. She/he has the theoretical understanding and practical experience to engage, educate, and facilitate student learning effectively. Such teachers are expected to maintain standards of professional practices and ethical conduct, including treating all students with dignity, showing respect for cultural, social, and individual diversity, and promoting a safe and positive learning environment. Scenario 1: Mrs. Karateka did not act in a professional manner. Reason one: A professional teacher should create a safe and conducive environment for learning, which Mrs. Karateka did not do. The classroom is not a place for physical demonstrations that can lead to injuries. Reason two: Exploiting her position of power to impose physical harm on students by demonstrating a chokehold shows a lack of professional boundaries and disregard for student welfare. Scenario 2: The teacher did not act in a professional manner. Reason one: Accusing a student publicly and punishing her by ordering her to unclog the toilet goes against the requirement of treating students with dignity and respect. Reason two: This punishment could have a harmful emotional effect on the grade 1 student Pathetic, causing distress and potential psychological harm. Scenario 3: Mr. Excitement did not act professionally as well. Reason one: The safety and wellbeing of students should be the utmost priority for any professional teacher, and stuffing students in a car against regulations shows a serious disregard for their safety. Reason two: Having two students in the latched trunk is extremely unsafe and could have potentially led to severe injuries, which shows poor judgment and lack of responsibility on Mr. Excitement's part.
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