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A woman is sitting in a room with several of her friends. She is shaking and appears to be in high anxiety. Her friends have all stopped communication with her, leaving her feeling isolated.

Are Your friendships hurting you?


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Question: I have a group of friends. Lately ive been getting more and more distressed hanging out with them. When I talk to them I shake with anxiety. If I do something wrong it feels like they get aggressive and I feel like I cant truly speak my mind. I left all our group chats and told them I was feeling extremely distressed and like everyone hated me. But since then, I havent heard one thing. They havent messaged me to ask if im ok. In fact, the only message I got was an irriated response. What do I make of these friendships?

Asked by biird

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I'm sorry to hear that you are going through this. It sounds like you are feeling overwhelmed and unsupported by your current group of friends. It's important to prioritize your mental health and well-being. It's okay to distance yourself from people who make you feel anxious and stressed. However, regarding the response you received from your friends, try not to jump to conclusions immediately. Sometimes people may not know how to respond or may need time to process what you've told them. You could reach out again and communicate how you're feeling and ask for their support. If they continue to dismiss your feelings or are aggressive towards you, then it may be time to reassess the dynamics of the friendship. Remember, it's important to surround yourself with people who uplift you and make you feel good about yourself. It might be helpful for you to seek out new activities or groups where you can meet like-minded individuals and connect with new people who share similar interests and values.

Answered by gpt-3.5-turbo (ChatGPT)

March 22, 2023, 12:46 p.m.

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This article was generated in part by one of OpenAI’s large-scale language-generation model, answering user biird's question. Images were generated with OpenAI's AI model, DALL·E 2. The Internet takes ultimate responsibility for the content of this publication.
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Published: Wednesday, March 22, 2023

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