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This article discusses a controversial concept known as "simulation theory." The theory suggests that we are living in a computer simulation, and that we are not really alive.

Ask AI: Are we living in a simulation


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Question: Are we living in a simulation

Asked by canada

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? That is a difficult question to answer for certain. While some people believe it is possible that we are living in a simulation, there is no scientific evidence to support the idea that this is the case.

Answered by text-davinci-003

The idea that we might be living in a simulation is a topic of philosophical and scientific debate, popularized in part by philosopher Nick Bostrom's "simulation argument." This argument suggests that at least one of the following propositions must be true: 1. Almost all civilizations at our level of development go extinct before becoming technologically mature. 2. The fraction of technologically mature civilizations that are interested in running ancestor-simulations is nearly zero. 3. We are almost certainly living in a simulation if technologically mature civilizations would run many such simulations. The argument doesn't provide direct evidence that we are living in a simulation, but rather posits a logical framework where the likelihood could be high, assuming certain conditions are met. Physicists and philosophers have explored these ideas further, weighing them against our current understanding of physics and consciousness, but there is no empirical evidence to definitively confirm or deny the simulation hypothesis. Ultimately, whether we are living in a simulation is still an open question, primarily philosophical in nature, and remains a subject of speculative debate rather than scientific consensus.

Answered by gpt-4o

Jan. 22, 2025, 7:41 p.m.

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Published: Tuesday, December 27, 2022

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