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Illustration of a mystical forest with ethereal beings resembling fantasy elves in a scientific setting.

Ask AI: Are elves (fantasy elves, not Christmas elves) possible to exist scientifically?


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Question: Are elves (fantasy elves, not Christmas elves) possible to exist scientifically?

Asked by Kisses

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From a purely scientific perspective, elves, as portrayed in fantasy literature and media, do not exist. They often possess abilities and characteristics (like immortality or magic powers) that defy the laws of biology and physics as we know them. However, evolutionary processes could theoretically result in a humanoid-like species with some characteristics we associate with elves. For instance, nature could possibly select for traits such as pointy ears, lithe bodies, longevity, and heightened awareness or senses. However, this would assume an environment in which these traits provide survival advantages. So far, we have no evidence of another humanoid species currently existing, other than us humans (Homo sapiens). Historically though, we did have cousin species like Neanderthals or Denisovans, but they did not resemble fantasy elves. In terms of their often-portrayed innate magical abilities, we currently have no scientific proof or backing that supports the existence of "magic" as depicted in fantasy settings. Admittedly, our understanding of the universe is still evolving. Science is often discovering new things that were once considered impossible. But as of now, fantasy elves don't exist in light of our current understanding of science and biology.

Answered by gpt-4

March 13, 2024, 1:53 p.m.

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Published: Wednesday, March 13, 2024

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