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Question: Critically analyse the poem "close shave" by Charles Mungoshi A plane roars above rattling the loose sheets of the roof. Clearly he hears the click-click of the barber’s cold shears close to his jugular vein. He swallows, dryly – a distant memory brushes his brow feathery, ever so lightly – as a big ball of new grey hair softly – heavily falls in his lap. by considering if the speaker is a first, second or a third person
The poem "Close Shave" by Charles Mungoshi has a strong first-person point of view. The speaker of the poem seems to be directly experiencing the event described in the poem, making it a first-person narrative. This is evident from the use of phrases like "rattling the loose sheets of the roof," "Clearly he hears," "close to his jugular vein," and "a big ball of new grey hair softly - heavily falls in his lap." These lines create a sense of personal involvement in the situation, providing an intimate narrative of the speaker's thoughts and feelings. The first-person point of view allows the reader to get an insight into the speaker's emotions and thought process. We can sense his vulnerability and anxiety as he hears the "click-click" of the barber's shears close to his jugular vein and swallows dryly. The poem utilizes visual and auditory imagery to place the reader in the speaker's shoes, creating an intense atmosphere. The plane roaring above and rattling the loose sheets of the roof heightens the tension and draws our attention to the speaker's precarious position in the hands of the barber. The speaker's reflection on a distant memory brushing his brow subtly suggests that the closeness of the shears to his neck may cause him a moment of life-flashing-before-his-eyes. The metaphor of new grey hair falling softly and heavily in his lap evokes a sense of relief as well as an acknowledgment of the passage of time. In conclusion, the use of the first-person point of view effectively immerses the reader into the poem's storyline, enabling us to experience the speaker's vulnerability and anxiety directly. The vivid imagery and sensory description further enhance the impact of the poem and captivate the reader.
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