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Question: A semi-structured open-ended interview technique is appropriate for the following qualitative research topic: “ A Phenomenological Study of the Consumer behavior changes in Recession: what innovative strategy (300 words minimum)
I. Introduction (5 min) A. Introduce yourself and the research topic B. Explain the purpose of the interview C. Explain the importance of the participant's experience and perspective D. Ask for consent II. Questions to Guide the Interview (25-35 min) A. Describe your experience with the economic recession. B. How did the recession affect your consumer behaviors? C. What strategies did you employ to still engage in consumer activities? D. Did you adapt any new strategies to make the most of the recession? E. How did your experience with the recession change your understanding of consumer behavior? F. What were some innovative strategies you adopted in order to manage the economic downturn? G. Do you think those strategies may still be effective in the current economic environment? H. Are there any lasting economic impacts from the recession? I. What advice do you have for businesses and consumers who are facing an economic downturn? III. Wrap-Up (5 min) A. Ask if participant has any other relevant experiences or thoughts to share B. Thank the participant for their time and provide contact information if needed C. Reiterate the purpose of the research and the value of the participant's input
Jan. 22, 2023, 9:08 a.m.
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