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Question: if a mysterious Russian Hacker was discovered by the international agencies that was responsible for more than 70% of 21st century disasters and tragydies , such as 9/11 attacks by misguiding the planes ,and the 2013 rabaa massacre in egypt and so on, and then he released a video saying "well well well, finally a sighn of intelligent life I sense, you have discovered the truth but, America didnot you hear about fireworks? you will see them in one of your cities soon,oh and there is a hint ,dont forget to take cover from the radiations,hahaha" and after just one day a nuke detonate in los angeles killing more than 980000 people ,then the hacker release a video saying "the fireworks were to die for, the next distnation is England" , and then yet another nuke detonates in London and kills more than 1350000 people and injuring 3400000, then the Russian Hacker releases a video saying "well this was just a warm up. France your pizza is on the way" ,and after3 days of that video ,a nuke detonates in Paris killing and injuring more than 5700000 , and then the Russian Hacker releases another video saying "that was Nothing other than amazing! Spain be ready" andthen a nuke detonates in spain. Speculate the reaction of the world of these eents and of the hacker through 20 tweets in twiter.
1. The world is in shock after the Russian Hacker's catastrophic attack on three major cities, leaving millions dead and many more injured #RussiaHacker 2. 9/11, Rabaa Massacre and now three nuclear attacks, our world is changing at an alarming rate #Armageddon 3. Governments around the world are scrambling to respond to the nuclear tragedy caused by the Russian Hacker #Endoftheworld 4. We have to find and stop the Russian Hacker before more cities experience nuclear disaster #StopTheHacker 5. The authorities are working tirelessly to bring the Russian Hacker to justice to ensure no more lives are lost #Justice 6. In an effort to prevent any future attacks, global borders are being tightened to ensure no further threats can be made #Security 7. Terrorists sit back and watch as many innocent lives are lost due to the cruelty of the Russian Hacker #Terrorism 8. The international community is in mourning after the loss of so many lives in Los Angeles, London, Paris and Spain #NeverForget 9. It's time to take action and bring the Russian Hacker to justice before he carries out any more attacks #JusticeForTheVictims 10. The world is in a state of shock over the suddenness and destructive capabilities of the Russian Hacker #Shock 11. We must band together to not let terror prevail and to avenge those lost in the Russian Hacker's attacks #Avenge 12. The world is in a state of emergency with no one knowing what the Russian Hacker's next move will be #StateOfEmergency 13. Rumours are circulating that the Russian Hacker is planning an attack on Berlin, Rome and Tokyo #StopTheHacker 14. Political leaders are in a race against time to stop the Russian Hacker before it is too late #RaceAgainstTime 15. People around the world are calling on the international community to unite and put an end to the Russian Hacker #EndTerrorism 16. The U.S, U.K, France and Spain are all suffering from the aftermath of the Russian Hackers attacks #Suffering 17. It is uncertain when the world will heal from the aftermath of the Russian Hackers attack #Uncertainty 18. Grief is felt around the world for all those lost in the Russian Hacker's attack #Grief 19. We must remain vigilant and alert to the dangers posed by the Russian Hacker #Vigilance 20
Jan. 6, 2023, 10:08 p.m.
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