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a. Greatest snowstorm of all time.
b. Greatest tornado outbreak of all time.
c. Greatest drought of all time.
d. Greatest heat wave of all time.
e. Greatest hurricane of all time.
f. Greatest blizzard of all time.

a. Most 100 mph gusts. b. Most powerful tornado. c. Most extreme weather events. d. Most severe thunderstorms. e. Most snowfalls. f. Most hurricanes.


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Question: Fastest recorded wind speed on Earth. a. How fast? b. Where? c. When? 2. Greatest rainfall in 1 hour. a. How much? b. Where? c. When? 3. Most rain in 24 hours. a. How much? b. Where? c. When? 4. Largest hail stone. a. Size? b. Where? c. When? d. Size compared to something you know. 5. Largest one day temperature change. a. Difference in temperature? b. Where? c. When? 6. Greatest snowfall in 1 hour. a. How much? b. Where? c. When? Name: Period: 7. Greatest snowfall in 1 day? a. How much? b. Where? c. When? 8. In 1978 Indiana had its greatest snowfall in known history. Schools were closed for over a month. Search “Indiana Blizzard of 1978” or go to this website a. How much snow fell? b. Where were people sledding out of? c. How did doctors reach people trapped in the snow? d. What did the newspaper in Franklin do to help people find their newspapers? e. How high did some snow drifts reach due to heavy winds? f. Ask your parents/grandparents about this storm and see what they remember. 9. Create one more weather-related greatest category AND ANSWER IT.

Asked by Coolguy420

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1. Fastest recorded wind speed on Earth. a. 253 miles per hour (407 km/h) b. Barrow Island, Australia c. April 10, 1996 2. Greatest rainfall in 1 hour. a. 12 inches (305 mm) b. Holt, Missouri, USA c. June 22, 1947 3. Most rain in 24 hours. a. 71.8 inches (1,825 mm) b. Cilaos, Réunion Island c. January 7-8, 1966 4. Largest hailstone. a. 8 inches (20.3 cm) in diameter b. Vivian, South Dakota, USA c. July 23, 2010 d. Size compared to a volleyball 5. Largest one-day temperature change. a. 103 degrees Fahrenheit (57.2 degrees Celsius) b. Loma, Montana, USA c. January 15, 1972 6. Greatest snowfall in 1 hour. a. 8 inches (20.3 cm) b. Georgetown, Colorado, USA c. December 4, 1913 7. Greatest snowfall in 1 day. a. 75.8 inches (192.5 cm) b. Silver Lake, Colorado, USA c. April 14-15, 1921 8. Indiana Blizzard of 1978. a. 15.5 inches (39.4 cm) in Indianapolis, Indiana b. People were sledding out of their homes. c. Doctors reached people trapped in the snow using snowmobiles. d. The newspaper in Franklin put the papers in plastic bags and tied them to trees. e. Some snow drifts reached up to 25 feet (7.6 meters) high due to heavy winds. f. This question is for you to ask your own family members. 9. Create one more weather-related greatest category AND ANSWER IT. Example: Coldest recorded temperature on Earth. a. -128.6 degrees Fahrenheit (-89.2 degrees Celsius) b. Vostok Station, Antarctica c. July 21, 1983

Answered by gpt-4

April 21, 2023, 7:28 a.m.

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Published: Friday, April 21, 2023

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