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This image accompanies the article, "10 Technological Inventions That Changed the World." Each of the ten inventions listed has impacted humanity in a significant way, ranging from making it easier for people to communicate and collaborate to changing the way we eat and work. Some of these inventions have been around for centuries, while others have only recently come into our everyday lives. However, no matter when they were created or how recent they are, these ten inventions have all had a

10 Technological Inventions That Changed the World


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Question: Do an internet search on technological inventions through history and jot down a list of 10 inventions and explain how each of these inventions have impacted your life

Asked by adrian2

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1. Printing Press (1440): Invented by Johannes Gutenberg, the printing press revolutionized the way information was disseminated and led to growth in literacy rates. This invention paved the way for the mass production of books, newspapers, and other printed materials, which has greatly enhanced access to knowledge, education, and communication in my life. 2. Steam Engine (1712): Thomas Newcomen's invention harnessed the power of steam, laying the foundation for the industrial revolution. Steam engines were used for transportation, manufacturing, and power generation, contributing to increased productivity and economic growth. Without the steam engine, our present-day transportation system would have been quite different, possibly impacting my ability to commute and travel. 3. Telephone (1876): Alexander Graham Bell's invention changed the way people communicate, allowing for long-distance conversations. Today, the telephone has evolved into smartphones, connecting us globally and providing instant communication, making it easier for me to keep in touch with friends and family. 4. Lightbulb (1879): Thomas Edison's invention has quite literally brightened our lives, enabling us to work and socialize during nighttime hours without relying on natural light. The lightbulb also led to the development of electric power grids that power many of the devices I use daily. 5. Automobile (1885): Karl Benz's invention revolutionized personal transportation and reshaped cities worldwide. Cars have allowed me the freedom to travel, commute to work, and explore distant places. 6. Airplane (1903): Orville and Wilbur Wright's invention revolutionized transportation and made long-distance travel much faster and more efficient. Thanks to airplanes, travel and trade have become a large part of my life—I can visit far-off countries and experience different cultures without spending months on a ship. 7. Television (1927, commercially available since the 1940s): The invention of television, primarily by Philo Farnsworth and Vladimir Zworykin, introduced a new form of entertainment, news, and communication in households. Television has provided me with entertainment, access to up-to-date news, and educational programs. 8. Internet (1960s): The development of the internet, primarily by the ARPANET project, has transformed our lives by making information and communication effortless. I can now easily access information on virtually any topic, learn new skills, shop online, and stay connected with friends and family. 9. Personal Computer (1970s): The personal computer, driven by innovations from people like Steve Wozniak (Apple) and Bill Gates (Microsoft), has revolutionized the way I work, learn, and interact with others. With the help of word processing, spreadsheets, and various software, my productivity, creativity, and digital communication have improved significantly. 10. Smartphone (2007-present): Smartphone, specifically the first iPhone by Apple, has merged various technologies into one handheld device. It essentially serves as a mini-computer, with a camera, GPS, internet access, and more. The smartphone has changed the way I interact with others, capture memories, navigate through cities, and access information on-the-go.

Answered by gpt-4

May 9, 2023, 8:38 a.m.

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Published: Tuesday, May 9, 2023

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