I'm sorry, but that is a very complex and lengthy request. I suggest sharing a portion at a time to help manage the level of detail you want included in your story.
This story was generated by user manemansteve3 with assistance by one of OpenAIās large-scale language-generation model; prompts used to help generate the story are shown below.
Images were generated with OpenAI's AI system, DALLĀ·E 2, or uploaded by the user.
Prompt: A long 280 sentences story in a formatted list of 1 to 280 about a 5 year old boy with a description of the boy's name, his age, birthday, birth year, height, weight, hair color and style and eye color and race being white. Include the boy's mom's name being an American name, age, birthday, birth year, height, weight, hair color and style and eye color. Include the boy's grandma's name being an American name, age being 8 years younger than his friend's mom, birthday, birth year being 8 years after his friend's mom, height, weight, hair color and style and eye color. Have the boy be at his female friend's house and have her be Hispanic and include her name, age being younger than him, birthday, birth year, height, weight, hair color and style and eye color. Include his friend's mom's name, age being 8 years older than his grandma, birthday, birth year being 8 years before his grandma, height being under 5 feet, weight over 300 pounds, hair color and style being kept in a traditional bun, what country she was from being Mexico, eye color. Include her dad's name, age, birthday, birth year, height, weight, hair color and style and eye color and have him be dead. Have the mom be wearing a tank top with a detailed description of the tank top, shorts with a description of the shorts and flip flops with a description of the flip flops being feminine normal flip flops with Mexican colors being specific as well as sunglasses with a description of the sunglasses. Have her be wearing 6 pieces of jewelry in a formatted list of 1 to 6 including hoop earrings and a wedding ring. Have her have her nails painted and include the color. Have her speak broken English and have her see something in the boy's hand taking it and have her say something to him as she confiscated it and have it be in quoted text in broken English spelling words wrong and include what the item is she took and have her also confiscate the boy's lunch which was what he called Mexican food being specific as to what it was and have her be disappointed. Have him beg for it back in perfect English referring to her as Mrs. and her last name and have her refuse to listen to him and reject his plea and have it be in quoted text in broken English spelling words wrong. Have her tell her daughter and the boy she was going out and have it be in quoted text in broken English spelling words wrong. Have his friend tell him to go look for his thing and have it be in quoted text including what it was. Have him go into her room taking his shoes and socks off. Have him spot a picture of his friend's mom from way back in the day and include where she was and what she was wearing and what she looked like and what year it was. Have him spot his item walking over to it tripping over something only to look down and see his feet were now in the flip flops his friend's mom was wearing earlier. Have him try to kick them off aggressively as he had no intention of wearing them and hated girly clothes but have him be unable to get them to budge. Have his feet start cracking and aging turning a darker shade as red toenail polish formed on his toes fitting the flip flops perfectly and have him freak out and have it be in quoted text as he got grossed out at the nail polish and how his feet looked like Mrs. last name's including her last name and include his feet's transformation into hers in a formatted list of 1 to 5 being very detailed. Have him really try to kick the flip flops off saying get them off get them off and have it be in quoted text as he said his name over and over. Have his legs shift into chubby female ones as a pair of panties formed on him and the same pair of shorts his friend's mom was wearing earlier formed on him and have his body change and shift into a woman's as a bra formed on him and the same tank top from earlier and include his leg's transformation into hers in a formatted list of 1 to 5 being very detailed with the clothing included. Include his torso and chest's transformation into hers in a formatted list of 1 to 5 being very detailed. Include his hands and arm's transformation into hers in a formatted list of 1 to 5 as red nail polish formed on his fingernails and his arms got chubbier and have his head and hair and his 10 features change into his friend's mom's in a formatted list of 1 to 10 as he freaked out again and have it be in quoted text and have all of the jewelry form on his body including the wedding ring. Have him pick up the picture of his friend's mom again scared that he's turning into her before dropping the picture on the ground. Have a small part of him realize he's slightly older than his grandma making him uncomfortable and have him say i don't wanna be older than grandma and have it be in quoted text with "older than grandma" coming out in broken English and spelled in broken English too. Have his voice and accent change the changes started to hurt more and have him yelp !AY! before covering his mouth as he freaked out yelling for mommy and saying why he screamed like his friend's mom referring to her as Mrs. last name and saying how old he sounded and have it be in quoted text in broken English spelling words wrong covering his mouth at how he was talking and how old he sounded and how weird his voice sounded cause of the accent and have it be in quoted text in broken English spelling words wrong. Have him say his name again and have it be in quoted text in broken English spelling words wrong and show his name being spelled incorrectly in the quoted text the way he said it and show that he said it wrong and was unable to say it correctly scaring him as he tried to say it correctly unable to failing every single time. Have him try to pull his now longer hair out of a bun being unable to as he started crying. Have him bend down on his knees trying to scrape off the nail polish off his feet being unable to remove it with the flip flops getting in the way. Have his memories began to change until he only remembered being a woman. Have the woman attempt to say her name as her memories changed saying her new name and have it be in quoted text in very broken English with the accent over the right letter. Have the woman instantly look around and look down at herself noticing she was scratching her toenail polish for some reason saying QUE loudly and have it be in quoted text filling in the blanks in broken English spelling words wrong as she stood up wondering why she was messing with her pedicure. Have her remember saying her daughter's friend's name earlier and have her yell her daughter's friend's name and have it be in quoted text in broken English no longer aware she was pronouncing it wrong and spell it the same incorrect way as earlier saying it a few times in broken English and spell it wrong it in the quoted text and saying where are you in broken English. Have her stick both her feet out admiring the way her pedicure looked in the flip flops. Have her pick up the item she confiscated putting it back and have her pick up the boy's food she confiscated and include what it was being the same item from earlier. Have her get very frustrated at it and have it be in quoted text in broken English saying it's not real Mexican food and including why it wasn't real Mexican food and what real Mexican food was and what it had that wasn't genuine and what real Mexican food had and where it looked like he got it from and have her clip clop tot he garbage can throwing it away without hesitation. Have her walk over to her purse picking it up pulling her sunglasses out and putting them on and have her throw her purse over her shoulder. Have her take a couple steps in the flip flops to test being specific on what she did as she walked slow and what she did as she walked fast in a formatted list of 1 to 10 adjusting her purse and her sunglasses as she did so. Have her walk in the direction of her mirror stubbing her toe and instantly yelling !AY! and have it be in quoted text bending down to grab her foot and saying something in very very broken English in frustration lecturing herself in broken English and calling herself by her first name in broken English. Have her spot the photo on the ground clip clopping over to it and picking it up. Have her look at the photo of herself getting emotional as tears rolled down her face and she yelled !AY! and have it be in quoted text as she talked to herself about the year it was, where she was, what she was doing, how old she was, why she kept the photo, etc and have it be in quoted text in broken English as she put the picture back where it belonged. Have her never change back and never remember who she used to be. Have her go over to her former mom's house and have her drive over walking up to the door and knocking on it. Have her former mom ask if she had seen her son and have it be in quoted text. Have the woman get confused and have it be in quoted text in broken English walking inside and sitting down causing the furniture to creak. Have the former mom realize somehow that the Mexican woman is her former son feeling heartbroken and have her try to see if her son is still in there by asking 6 very feminine questions being specific and have it be in quoted text requiring 6 very feminine answers knowing her son would be disgusted at the questions and come back to her if he was still there. Have the Mexican woman answer all 6 questions with no hesitation confused and have it be in quoted text all in broken English. Have the former mom realize her son truly is gone forever. Have the former mom compliment her outfit and her jewelry and have it be in quoted text. Have the woman be happy as she bragged saying thank you and have it be in quoted text in broken English spelling words wrong saying thank like tank and spelling it like that in all the quoted texts she used it in. Have her then stick her feet out asking the former mom if she liked her pedicure and have it be in quoted text in very broken English. Have the mom attempt to mention her former son's grandma mentioning his grandma's age but calling her by her first name and the year she was born and have it be in quoted text mentioning his grandma by name in hopes her son would be shocked at how old grandma was. Have the Mexican woman cross her legs saying que and have it be in quoted text in broken English as she mentioned how she was 8 years older in broken English mentioning her former grandma's first name but pronouncing it wrong and spell it the way she pronounces it in the quoted text as she smiled. Have her then say how she's the oldest in her Mexican family since her husband passed and have it be in quoted text in broken English mentioning to her former mom that she's also the oldest in the former mom's family calling her former mom by her first name mispronouncing it and spell it the way she says it in the quoted text and have her brag about being the oldest. Have her go to her former mom's fridge criticizing her for not having more Mexican dishes and also mentioning a few popular Mexican beer brands and heavy liquor brands all being real and have it all be in quoted text. Have the Mexican woman left the house walking back to her car intending to buy all the ingredients for the Mexican food she believed her former mom should have and all the alcohol she believed her former mom should have. Have her arrive at the store grabbing the ingredients and asking for some Mexican alcohol brands pronouncing them perfectly as she asked for them. Have the female cashier ask for ID and have it be in quoted text. Have the Mexican woman get confused saying que and have it be in quoted text in Spanish adjusting her sunglasses over her eyes and adjusting her purse on her shoulder. Have the cashier repeat herself and have it be in quoted text. Have the Mexican woman say !AY! in frustration and start saying 5 things in response to being asked for ID saying the year she was born and how old she was and things to prove she was old being very detailed and very specific to specific things she's done through her life in a formatted list of 1 to 5 in broken English. Have the female cashier defend her rule to ask everyone for ID and respond to all 5 things in a formatted list of 1 to 5. Have her eventually cave in and let the woman have her alcohol without having to show ID. Have her get home grabbing her purse from the front seat and throwing it over her shoulder pulling out her house keys as she grabbed her groceries bringing them inside. Have her put everything away before clip clopping to a nearby mirror and looking at her reflection still wearing her sunglasses and with her purse still on her shoulder. Have her say something to herself and have it be in quoted text in broken English referring to herself by her first name in regards to herself as a Mexican woman and in regards to her age and mentioning her husband all in broken English as she looked at her wedding ring as she started crying. Have her doze off not in her bed but somewhere else in the middle of doing something still wearing her tank top and shorts and flip flops with her hair in a bun. Have her wake up later that night confused saying que and have it be in quoted text scolding herself for falling asleep where she did in her outfit referring to herself by her first name. Have her go to bed and have her dream of younger days and include what she was wearing in the dream and how old she was. Have her wake up deciding to dress in a more traditional colored Mexican dress and some other jewelry she owned and have her slip on a different pair of flip flops as she sternly clip clopped to the mirror looking at her reflection and saying her name quietly and have it be in quoted text. Have her suddenly think of her daughter yelling her daughter's name and have it be in quoted text adding something in Spanish. Have her decide to change into the tank top and shorts and flip flops from before and have her slip on the tank top in a formatted list of 1 to 7 being very specific as she admired the feeling of the tank top. Have her slip on the shorts in a formatted list of 1 to 8 losing balance when raising one of her feet but eventually getting them on. Have her slip on the flip flops in a formatted list of 1 to 8. Have her grab her sunglasses putting them on and have her grab her purse throwing it over her shoulder. Have her clip clop to the mirror smiling once again as she said she was so happy she was born a woman and especially that she was born Mexican and have it be in quoted text in broken English spelling words wrong. She decided to call 4 of her lifelong girlfriends to go get some beers and Mexican food at a specific local restaurant as her treat. Have her pamper herself a little bit remaining in the outfit she was already wearing and giving herself a nod and saying a few flirty things to her reflection mentioning her first name again blowing herself a kiss. Have her daughter run in the room asking to go with her and have it be in quoted text. Have her say no to her daughter and have it be in quoted text in broken English. Have her daughter beg her. Continue the story from here.
Response: I'm sorry, but that is a very complex and lengthy request. I suggest sharing a portion at a time to help manage the level of detail you want included in your story.
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