Genre: Young Adult
In the summer of 2024, beneath the sunlit skies of Iowa, there lived a young man named Matt Born on July 14, 2006, he grew up amongst the cornfields and the warm charm of the Midwest. Matt was quite the sight to behold, standing at a comfortable height of 6'1", possessing cerulean eyes that reflected the color of the clear Iowa sky. His hair was a chocolate brown mess, always just on the edge of chaotic. He was something from a painting, with a strong jaw and a slight stubble, accentuating his features. With faded jeans, a worn-out high school baseball T-shirt, sneakers, and his voice – a resonant baritone that carried the subtle lilt of his accent- he was an echo of the heartland.
But on an ordinary morning filled with extraordinary surprises, Matt woke up in the body of a totally random woman named Melissa. She lay there, middle-aged and homeless, leaning against a dusty brick building on the outskirts of Maryland. Judging by her ID, Melissa was born on April 20, 1964, making her 60 now. At a mere 5'4", she was a good deal shorter than Matt was used to. She was clad in a ragged tank top, short shorts and sunglasses, with messily bunned hair – a hue Matt had only seen during autumn, on the trees of his family's farm. The discomfort of her layered charm bracelets, bangles, and a relatively heavy purse strung around a shoulder was new to him.
Matt was terrified. His panic rose when he felt the bizarre sense of additional weight on his chest. He gasped, catching a glimpse of his now-curvaceous silhouette shadowed on the wall. The mere lack of the familiar heft between his legs sent chills down his spine. Frantically, he wondered about his family, wondering if they were okay, and his girlfriend – would she still recognize him? Out of nowhere, an urgent need to urinate caught him off guard.
Taking swift steps towards the nearest public restroom, he entered with mixed feelings. Standing in front of the toilet – a holdover from his past life – he realized, to his horror, that wetting himself was inevitable. The incident shattered his facade of reasons bringing forth a host of foreign sensations accompanying his new life in a woman's body.
Just at that catastrophic moment, Melissa's old, worn-out phone rang. A jolt of fear ran through him as he answered. The voice from the other end sent tremors through his being. It was his own voice, distinct and unmistakable. It was him. Him in his own body, the boy who was born and raised in Iowa.
He listened in disbelief as his own voice expressed jubilation at the newfound freedom. The voice gleefully claimed satisfaction, saying what a relief it was to be free from the cumbersome breasts. It said how beautiful it was to finally be 'a young man', how rewarding it felt to step into his shoes while hinting at never returning the favor. His old self then told him to 'enjoy his new life.'
His own old life, once so sweet and simple, now seemed as distant as a fading comet, unreachable and unattainable. As the phone call ended, Matt was left standing in Melissa's shoes, experiencing her life as his new reality. The sun was setting as he looked out, drawing strength from the echoes of the past, preparing to face the challenges of his unforeseen journey.
This story was generated by user mab with assistance by one of OpenAI’s large-scale language-generation model; prompts used to help generate the story are shown below.
Images were generated with OpenAI's AI system, DALL·E 2, or uploaded by the user.
Prompt: Story: The year is 2024. Write me a story the way I write about a random 18 year old boy with a description of the boy's appearance, what state the boy is from, his height, birthday, birth year, what he's wearing and what he sounds like and is doing. Have him wake up in the body of a random homeless woman leaning against a building with a description of the woman's name, what state she's in, age, height, birthday, birth year, wearing a tank top, short shorts, sunglasses, her hair in a bun and sandals with a purse on her shoulder. Have him go freak out, going into detail, complaining about the extra weight on his chest, his new fat butt, and about there being nothing between his legs. He wonders if his family and girlfriend are ok? Suddenly, he needs to pee. He runs to the nearest public bathroom. He instinctively, stand in front of the toilet only to wet himself. Go into detail about how different he feels from inside this unknown woman’s body. He gets a call from the woman’s phone. He answers. She tells him what a relief it is not to have boobs anymore. She can finally be who she wants to be “a young man”. She goes into great detail on how great of a life he had. And she won’t be giving it up anytime soon. She tells him to “enjoy your new life!”
Response: Genre: Young Adult In the summer of 2024, beneath the sunlit skies of Iowa, there lived a young man named Ethan. Born on July 14, 2006, he grew up amongst the cornfields and the warm charm of the Midwest. Ethan was quite the sight to behold, standing at a comfortable height of 6'1", possessing cerulean eyes that reflected the color of the clear Iowa sky. His hair was a chocolate brown mess, always just on the edge of chaotic. He was something from a painting, with a strong jaw and a slight stubble, accentuating his features. With faded jeans, a worn-out high school baseball T-shirt, sneakers, and his voice – a resonant baritone that carried the subtle lilt of his accent- he was an echo of the heartland. But on an ordinary morning filled with extraordinary surprises, Ethan woke up in the body of a totally random woman named Melissa. She lay there, middle-aged and homeless, leaning against a dusty brick building on the outskirts of Maryland. Judging by her ID, Melissa was born on April 20, 1964, making her 60 now. At a mere 5'4", she was a good deal shorter than Ethan was used to. She was clad in a ragged tank top, short shorts and sunglasses, with messily bunned hair – a hue Ethan had only seen during autumn, on the trees of his family's farm. The discomfort of her layered charm bracelets, bangles, and a relatively heavy purse strung around a shoulder was new to him. Ethan was terrified. His panic rose when he felt the bizarre sense of additional weight on his chest. He gasped, catching a glimpse of his now-curvaceous silhouette shadowed on the wall. The mere lack of the familiar heft between his legs sent chills down his spine. Frantically, he wondered about his family, wondering if they were okay, and his girlfriend – would she still recognize him? Out of nowhere, an urgent need to urinate caught him off guard. Taking swift steps towards the nearest public restroom, he entered with mixed feelings. Standing in front of the toilet – a holdover from his past life – he realized, to his horror, that wetting himself was inevitable. The incident shattered his facade of reasons bringing forth a host of foreign sensations accompanying his new life in a woman's body. Just at that catastrophic moment, Melissa's old, worn-out phone rang. A jolt of fear ran through him as he answered. The voice from the other end sent tremors through his being. It was his own voice, distinct and unmistakable. It was him. Him in his own body, the boy who was born and raised in Iowa. He listened in disbelief as his own voice expressed jubilation at the newfound freedom. The voice gleefully claimed satisfaction, saying what a relief it was to be free from the cumbersome breasts. It said how beautiful it was to finally be 'a young man', how rewarding it felt to step into his shoes while hinting at never returning the favor. His old self then told him to 'enjoy his new life.' His own old life, once so sweet and simple, now seemed as distant as a fading comet, unreachable and unattainable. As the phone call ended, Ethan was left standing in Melissa's shoes, experiencing her life as his new reality. The sun was setting as he looked out, drawing strength from the echoes of the past, preparing to face the challenges of his unforeseen journey.
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