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The Transformation of Tommy: A Tale of Stolen Identities

0 Points
Independence, Trust, Confidence, Theft, Identity in the style of Monet

1. It was a bright Saturday morning in 2017 when five-year-old Tommy Johnson was granted an extraordinary amount of independence by his mom.
2. Tommy, born on June 14, 2012, with sandy blonde hair styled in a charming kid’s cut, stood at 3 feet 6 inches tall and weighed 40 pounds.
3. His blue eyes sparkled with excitement as he prepared for his solo trip to the nearby grocery store.
4. His mother, Sarah Johnson, 26, born on March 8, 1991, with shoulder-length brown hair and hazel eyes, handed him $10.
5. Sarah stood at 5 feet 5 inches tall and weighed 130 pounds.
6. She had always been protective over Tommy, but today she felt he was ready for this small leap of independence.

7. "Remember, only buy what you really want, okay, sweetheart?" she said, her voice filled with trust.
8. Tommy’s grandma, Martha Miller, 56, born on January 18, 1961, with short grey hair and deep brown eyes, was visiting but supported the idea.
9. Martha, though relatively young for a grandma, stood at 5 feet 6 inches tall and weighed 140 pounds.
10. She smiled at Tommy as he waved goodbye and stepped out.

11. Tommy stepped into the grocery store feeling like a big boy.
12. He wandered the aisles, eyes wide at the plethora of choices.
13. As he was about to decide between chocolate and gummies, he noticed an older woman acting suspiciously.

14. The woman, whose name he later found out was Gloria Anderson, was 66 years old.
15. Born on September 22, 1951, she had long, curly silver hair and piercing green eyes.
16. Gloria stood at 5 feet 2 inches tall, noticeably shorter than Tommy’s grandma, and weighed 135 pounds.
17. She wore a feminine blouse with a floral pattern, paired with white shorts and flip-flops.
18. The blouse had frilly sleeves, and the shorts were high-waisted, showing off her polished toenails in the flip-flops.
19. Gloria’s outfit was completed by a large, gaudy purse slung over her shoulder.

20. Tommy watched in shock as Gloria stealthily shoved items into her purse.
21. His little heart raced, and he wished he could do something to stop her.
22. Gathering courage, he quietly walked up behind her, intending to talk to her.

23. Suddenly, he tripped and fell forward, feeling strange.
24. Opening his eyes, Tommy realized he was much taller.
25. A weight pulled down on his shoulder—a purse!

26. He looked down, seeing himself in the feminine blouse, shorts, and flip-flops.
27. His new female feet were adorned with polished nails.
28. His hands were also feminine, and a wedding ring glimmered on his left ring finger.

29. "Ew, ten girly things about this look!" Tommy exclaimed, ticking them off in his mind:
30. 1) "This blouse is so frilly."
31. 2) "The shorts are too tight!"
32. 3) "Why are my toenails polished?"
33. 4) "This purse is so heavy."
34. 5) "My feet look weird in these flip-flops."
35. 6) "I have a wedding ring! Gross!"
36. 7) "My hair is all curly and long!"
37. 8) "I have makeup on! Yuck!"
38. 9) "Why are my hands so soft?"
39. 10) "Everything feels weird on my body!"

40. Panicking, he rummaged through the purse and found the woman’s ID.
41. "Gloria Anderson, born September 22, 1951. I’m older than Grandma?" Tommy squeaked.

42. Adjusting the purse uncomfortably, he clip-clopped to a nearby mirror.
43. "Alright, I can do this," he whispered, eyeing the wine and other stolen items in the purse.

44. As he started clip-clopping towards the exit, his head turned involuntarily towards another wine rack.
45. He walked up and grabbed a bottle, feeling his mind clouding over.
46. "No, I don’t want to," he tried to say, but the words came out differently.
47. "Oh, um, no, I, like, don’t want to do this," he stammered in a feminine voice.

48. 1) He remembered sharing his toys with friends.
49. 2) Helping his mom bake cookies.
50. 3) Telling his grandma stories.
51. 4) Giving his seat to an elderly person on the bus.
52. 5) Complimenting a friend's drawing.
53. 6) Saving a drowning ant.
54. 7) Hugging his mom when she was sad.
55. 8) Cleaning his room without being told.
56. 9) Helping a lost cat find its way home.
57. 10) Making friends with a new kid in class.

58. Each kindly memory transformed into a sneaky act of dishonesty:
59. 1) Swapping price tags in stores.
60. 2) Pocketing items without paying.
61. 3) Lying smoothly to get out of trouble.
62. 4) Manipulating friends to get her way.
63. 5) Pretending to be lost to distract store security.
64. 6) Returning used items claiming they were faulty.
65. 7) Stealing from charity boxes.
66. 8) Hoarding stolen goods.
67. 9) Faking injury for compensation.
68. 10) Shoplifting while chatting casually with employees.

69. Gloria jerked her head up, smiled slyly, and fitted the wine bottle into her purse.
70. Clip-clopping past the mirror, she admired herself.

71. "Oh, Gloria, you did it again! Just one more heist and some lovely free wine, perhaps, and I’ll be done," she said, smirking.
72. "This 66-year-old woman has been stealing from stupid businesses like this one for over 30 years."
73. "I can’t wait to drink my free wine."
74. "If anyone tries to stop me, I’ll just say I’m being profiled for being old and female."
75. "A lady like me would never steal—it’s so easy."
76. "Even my loving dear husband doesn’t suspect a thing."
77. "Would a woman my age really have the gall to steal?"
78. "Especially when I have two kids and even a couple grandkids?"

79. Gloria left the store, the stolen items tucked away securely in her purse.
80. She drove home, hiding the goods quickly, ensuring her husband wouldn’t notice.
81. She planned to tell him the store had nothing she wanted.

82. The next morning, Gloria woke up with a new plan.
83. After her husband left for work, she dressed in a similar outfit and put on the same flip-flops.
84. Grabbing the same large purse, she set out to steal again.

85. At the grocery store, she filled her purse with items, smiling innocently.
86. As she approached the door, a male and female employee cornered her.

87. "Good morning, sweetie," Gloria said to the female employee.
88. "Hello, darling," she nodded to the male employee.
89. "Are y’all having a fabulous day?" she asked, her tone syrupy sweet.

90. They accused her of stealing.
91. Gloria's demeanor changed instantly. "Why are you picking on me just because I’m old?" she snapped.
92. "This is not how you treat a lady!" she said, raising her voice.

93. The manager intervened, telling the employees to stop harassing her.
94. Gloria clip-clopped out, victorious.

95. Entering another store, she wasn’t so lucky.
96. Security pulled her into the office, accusing her of theft.

97. "You’re wrong! I didn’t steal anything!" Gloria pleaded desperately.
98. "Please, let me call my husband," she begged.

99. The security team discussed what was happening.
100. "I love my family. I would never steal. I'm simply too busy taking care of them," Gloria insisted tearfully.

101. "The cameras were down," one of the guards announced.
102. A female security guard handcuffed Gloria and led her out.

103. Sitting in the back of the security vehicle, Gloria continued to plead her innocence.
104. "Please, check the cameras again. You’ll see the truth!"

105. The footage was gone, forcing them to release her.
106. Gloria’s routine continued, hitting up stores, stealing, and never getting caught.

107. Her old life as Tommy faded away, replaced entirely by her new existence as Gloria.

108. One morning, she decided to treat herself with a spa day.
109. She used stolen money to get her hands and feet done, gleefully escaping detection once more.

110. At the spa, she made small talk with the black women working on her.

111. "You girls have such lovely, exotic hair," Gloria said, smiling inappropriately.
112. "These braids remind me of that wonderful African culture," she cooed.
113. "My dear, where are you from? Africa or Jamaica?" she asked, mixing cultures.

114. "Your skin color, it’s just so striking!"
115. "Such a shame more people don’t embrace their African roots."
116. "Aren’t you hot in those uniforms?"

117. "You people always have the best rhythm, don’t you?"
118. "Your names are so unique!"
119. "I love how you can pull off such bold colors."

120. "My goodness, such beautiful skin!"
121. "Do you cook spicy foods at home?"
122. "I bet you’re so good at dancing."

123. "Such interesting hair textures!"
124. "Do you use cocoa butter? You must!"
125. "Your cultural attire must be so vibrant."

126. "Your accents are charming!"
127. "Those bright headscarves are so you!"
128. "I bet your family has the best stories."

129. "It must be fascinating to explore your heritage."
130. "I wish I could carry off those bright colors."

131. Gloria left the spa, smugly thinking she had been exceedingly polite.
132. She thought about the unique features of the black workers, assuming her comments were compliments.

133. Gloria’s life continued in a haze of petty thefts and ill-gotten gains.
134. She never remembered Tommy Johnson, the little boy who once dreamed of being a good, kind person.

This story was generated by user manemansteve with assistance by one of OpenAI’s large-scale language-generation model; prompts used to help generate the story are shown below.

Images were generated with OpenAI's AI system, DALL·E 2, or uploaded by the user.

AI Prompts

Prompt: A long and thorough and detailed 220 sentences story in a formatted list of 1 to 220 taking place in the late 2010s but specify the year about a 5 year old boy shopping alone for the first time with permission from his mom and include the boy's name, birthday, birth year, height, weight, hair color and style and eye color and race being white. Include his mom's name, age being younger in her 20s, birthday, birth year, height, weight, hair color and style and eye color. Include his grandma's name, age being younger, birthday, birth year, height, weight, hair color and style and eye color. Have him have some money from his mom to get whatever he wanted when he spotted an older woman. Include the woman's name, age being older than his grandma by10-15 years, birthday, birth year, height being shorter than his grandma, weight, hair color and style being long and curly and eye color and have her be wearing a feminine blouse and shorts with flip flops and a large purse on her shoulder with a detailed description of the entire outfit in a formatted list. Have her have curly hair and have the boy notice her shoving things in her purse when he wished to be able to stop her. Have him quietly walk up behind the woman when he reached out to talk to her falling forward and feeling weird. Have him open his eyes realizing he's taller and have him feel the weight of a purse on his shoulder. Have him look down to see he was now wearing the shorts and blouse and flip flops on his new female feet with polished nails and have him look at his new female hands spotting the wedding ring on his left ring finger grossed out commenting on 10 girly things about his look in a formatted list of 1 to 10 talking like his little boy self. Have him suddenly find her ID in her purse and seeing her name on it and her DOB realizing he was older than his grandma now commenting on it and have it be in quoted text in his regular innocent tone about how he was older than grandma. Have him clip clop to a mirror adjusting the purse before looking at the wine and other stolen items in the purse intending on going up and revealing them. Have him start clip clopping up when he walked past another wine rack and have his head turn to it. Have him walk up and grab a bottle of wine when he felt his mind changing. Have him cry trying to say anything to stop the changes and have it be in quoted text using feminine speech patterns and wording and show how he said the quote. Have 10 memories of his kindness become the woman's nasty personality in a formatted list of 1 to 10 doing more than shoplifting being specific until he only remembered being the woman. Have the woman jerk her head before smiling and fitting the wine bottle in her purse. Have her clip clop past a mirror saying oh ____ ____ you did it again just one _____ and some ____ perhaps and I'll be done this __ year old woman has been stealing from stupid businesses like this one for over __ years I can't wait to drink my free wine and if anyone tries to stop me I can just say I'm being profiled for being ___ and ____ and how I'm a lady and would never it's so easy even my loving dear ___ doesn't suspect a thing would a woman my age really have the gall to steal when i have two _____ and even a couple gra___ and have it be in quoted text filling in the blanks with her new personality and new name and new life. Have her leave with her stolen items and drive home and have her quickly hide everything she stole hoping to not get spotted by her husband and planning on telling him the store had nothing she wanted. Have her wake up the next morning and wait for her husband to leave and get dressed in a similar outfit and the same flip flops and grab the same purse planning to steal again and have her get what she wants being cornered at the door maintaining her composure and being nice and cordial calling the male and female employees kind names and pet names and have it be in quoted text and have her get nasty with the employees saying they're picking on her cause she's old and saying this is not how you treat a lady and have it be in quoted text and have her be let go as the manager told them to stop harassing her. Have another store stop her pulling her into the security office and have them say they know she's stealing. Have her say they're wrong and have her beg them to let her call her husband and have them discuss what's going on to her and have all their exchanges be in quoted texts in a formatted list of 1 to 10 and have the security cameras end up being down and have her explain her love for her family including why she doesn't have time to steal. Have a female security guard handcuff her walking her out to a security vehicle and sitting her in the back of it hoping they would get the cameras only for the cameras to lose all the footage forcing them to release her. Have her continue hitting up stores stealing similar items with the same routine and have her never get caught ever and have her never remember who she used to be. Have her wake up one day deciding to get her hands and feet done at a spa and her nails done with money she had also been stealing and never get caught. Have her make outdated comments to the black women working on her hands and feet and have it be in quoted text being rude and ignorantly thinking she was being polite calling them outdated names and pronouncing words and names wrong and mixing cultures together in a formatted list of 1 to 20 and have it all be in quoted text. Have her leave thinking about features only black people have that are adorable thinking that was polite. Continue the story from here.

Response: 1. It was a bright Saturday morning in 2017 when five-year-old Tommy Johnson was granted an extraordinary amount of independence by his mom. 2. Tommy, born on June 14, 2012, with sandy blonde hair styled in a charming kid’s cut, stood at 3 feet 6 inches tall and weighed 40 pounds. 3. His blue eyes sparkled with excitement as he prepared for his solo trip to the nearby grocery store. 4. His mother, Sarah Johnson, 26, born on March 8, 1991, with shoulder-length brown hair and hazel eyes, handed him $10. 5. Sarah stood at 5 feet 5 inches tall and weighed 130 pounds. 6. She had always been protective over Tommy, but today she felt he was ready for this small leap of independence. 7. "Remember, only buy what you really want, okay, sweetheart?" she said, her voice filled with trust. 8. Tommy’s grandma, Martha Miller, 56, born on January 18, 1961, with short grey hair and deep brown eyes, was visiting but supported the idea. 9. Martha, though relatively young for a grandma, stood at 5 feet 6 inches tall and weighed 140 pounds. 10. She smiled at Tommy as he waved goodbye and stepped out. 11. Tommy stepped into the grocery store feeling like a big boy. 12. He wandered the aisles, eyes wide at the plethora of choices. 13. As he was about to decide between chocolate and gummies, he noticed an older woman acting suspiciously. 14. The woman, whose name he later found out was Gloria Anderson, was 66 years old. 15. Born on September 22, 1951, she had long, curly silver hair and piercing green eyes. 16. Gloria stood at 5 feet 2 inches tall, noticeably shorter than Tommy’s grandma, and weighed 135 pounds. 17. She wore a feminine blouse with a floral pattern, paired with white shorts and flip-flops. 18. The blouse had frilly sleeves, and the shorts were high-waisted, showing off her polished toenails in the flip-flops. 19. Gloria’s outfit was completed by a large, gaudy purse slung over her shoulder. 20. Tommy watched in shock as Gloria stealthily shoved items into her purse. 21. His little heart raced, and he wished he could do something to stop her. 22. Gathering courage, he quietly walked up behind her, intending to talk to her. 23. Suddenly, he tripped and fell forward, feeling strange. 24. Opening his eyes, Tommy realized he was much taller. 25. A weight pulled down on his shoulder—a purse! 26. He looked down, seeing himself in the feminine blouse, shorts, and flip-flops. 27. His new female feet were adorned with polished nails. 28. His hands were also feminine, and a wedding ring glimmered on his left ring finger. 29. "Ew, ten girly things about this look!" Tommy exclaimed, ticking them off in his mind: 30. 1) "This blouse is so frilly." 31. 2) "The shorts are too tight!" 32. 3) "Why are my toenails polished?" 33. 4) "This purse is so heavy." 34. 5) "My feet look weird in these flip-flops." 35. 6) "I have a wedding ring! Gross!" 36. 7) "My hair is all curly and long!" 37. 8) "I have makeup on! Yuck!" 38. 9) "Why are my hands so soft?" 39. 10) "Everything feels weird on my body!" 40. Panicking, he rummaged through the purse and found the woman’s ID. 41. "Gloria Anderson, born September 22, 1951. I’m older than Grandma?" Tommy squeaked. 42. Adjusting the purse uncomfortably, he clip-clopped to a nearby mirror. 43. "Alright, I can do this," he whispered, eyeing the wine and other stolen items in the purse. 44. As he started clip-clopping towards the exit, his head turned involuntarily towards another wine rack. 45. He walked up and grabbed a bottle, feeling his mind clouding over. 46. "No, I don’t want to," he tried to say, but the words came out differently. 47. "Oh, um, no, I, like, don’t want to do this," he stammered in a feminine voice. 48. 1) He remembered sharing his toys with friends. 49. 2) Helping his mom bake cookies. 50. 3) Telling his grandma stories. 51. 4) Giving his seat to an elderly person on the bus. 52. 5) Complimenting a friend's drawing. 53. 6) Saving a drowning ant. 54. 7) Hugging his mom when she was sad. 55. 8) Cleaning his room without being told. 56. 9) Helping a lost cat find its way home. 57. 10) Making friends with a new kid in class. 58. Each kindly memory transformed into a sneaky act of dishonesty: 59. 1) Swapping price tags in stores. 60. 2) Pocketing items without paying. 61. 3) Lying smoothly to get out of trouble. 62. 4) Manipulating friends to get her way. 63. 5) Pretending to be lost to distract store security. 64. 6) Returning used items claiming they were faulty. 65. 7) Stealing from charity boxes. 66. 8) Hoarding stolen goods. 67. 9) Faking injury for compensation. 68. 10) Shoplifting while chatting casually with employees. 69. Gloria jerked her head up, smiled slyly, and fitted the wine bottle into her purse. 70. Clip-clopping past the mirror, she admired herself. 71. "Oh, Gloria, you did it again! Just one more heist and some lovely free wine, perhaps, and I’ll be done," she said, smirking. 72. "This 66-year-old woman has been stealing from stupid businesses like this one for over 30 years." 73. "I can’t wait to drink my free wine." 74. "If anyone tries to stop me, I’ll just say I’m being profiled for being old and female." 75. "A lady like me would never steal—it’s so easy." 76. "Even my loving dear husband doesn’t suspect a thing." 77. "Would a woman my age really have the gall to steal?" 78. "Especially when I have two kids and even a couple grandkids?" 79. Gloria left the store, the stolen items tucked away securely in her purse. 80. She drove home, hiding the goods quickly, ensuring her husband wouldn’t notice. 81. She planned to tell him the store had nothing she wanted. 82. The next morning, Gloria woke up with a new plan. 83. After her husband left for work, she dressed in a similar outfit and put on the same flip-flops. 84. Grabbing the same large purse, she set out to steal again. 85. At the grocery store, she filled her purse with items, smiling innocently. 86. As she approached the door, a male and female employee cornered her. 87. "Good morning, sweetie," Gloria said to the female employee. 88. "Hello, darling," she nodded to the male employee. 89. "Are y’all having a fabulous day?" she asked, her tone syrupy sweet. 90. They accused her of stealing. 91. Gloria's demeanor changed instantly. "Why are you picking on me just because I’m old?" she snapped. 92. "This is not how you treat a lady!" she said, raising her voice. 93. The manager intervened, telling the employees to stop harassing her. 94. Gloria clip-clopped out, victorious. 95. Entering another store, she wasn’t so lucky. 96. Security pulled her into the office, accusing her of theft. 97. "You’re wrong! I didn’t steal anything!" Gloria pleaded desperately. 98. "Please, let me call my husband," she begged. 99. The security team discussed what was happening. 100. "I love my family. I would never steal. I'm simply too busy taking care of them," Gloria insisted tearfully. 101. "The cameras were down," one of the guards announced. 102. A female security guard handcuffed Gloria and led her out. 103. Sitting in the back of the security vehicle, Gloria continued to plead her innocence. 104. "Please, check the cameras again. You’ll see the truth!" 105. The footage was gone, forcing them to release her. 106. Gloria’s routine continued, hitting up stores, stealing, and never getting caught. 107. Her old life as Tommy faded away, replaced entirely by her new existence as Gloria. 108. One morning, she decided to treat herself with a spa day. 109. She used stolen money to get her hands and feet done, gleefully escaping detection once more. 110. At the spa, she made small talk with the black women working on her. 111. "You girls have such lovely, exotic hair," Gloria said, smiling inappropriately. 112. "These braids remind me of that wonderful African culture," she cooed. 113. "My dear, where are you from? Africa or Jamaica?" she asked, mixing cultures. 114. "Your skin color, it’s just so striking!" 115. "Such a shame more people don’t embrace their African roots." 116. "Aren’t you hot in those uniforms?" 117. "You people always have the best rhythm, don’t you?" 118. "Your names are so unique!" 119. "I love how you can pull off such bold colors." 120. "My goodness, such beautiful skin!" 121. "Do you cook spicy foods at home?" 122. "I bet you’re so good at dancing." 123. "Such interesting hair textures!" 124. "Do you use cocoa butter? You must!" 125. "Your cultural attire must be so vibrant." 126. "Your accents are charming!" 127. "Those bright headscarves are so you!" 128. "I bet your family has the best stories." 129. "It must be fascinating to explore your heritage." 130. "I wish I could carry off those bright colors." 131. Gloria left the spa, smugly thinking she had been exceedingly polite. 132. She thought about the unique features of the black workers, assuming her comments were compliments. 133. Gloria’s life continued in a haze of petty thefts and ill-gotten gains. 134. She never remembered Tommy Johnson, the little boy who once dreamed of being a good, kind person.

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