Title: The "Smithline" Epidemic
It was one of those stupendously mundane days at the Smith residence. Steve, Stan, Hayley, and even the melodious Klaus were parked around the dinner table, their noses occupied with an indecipherable science homework, the evening newspaper, half-baked schemes, and the resemblance between Linda Belcher and a clinically depressed catfish, respectively. Francine, blessed as she was with the bosom and curves of a goddess, was flittering about the kitchen, whinging about her seemingly unnoticed glory.
"Aren't I just the epitome of womanhood?" she cried dramatically, flinging a hand over her forehead. "It's a pity none of you chumps appreciate this!" She gestured at her fabulous self. Unconsidered, she wished out loud, "I wish everyone could be just like me!"
Nobody knew that Francine's wish would take such a literal turn, least of all, Francine. But alas, as fate would have it, Roger, fond of his extraterrestrial trinkets, had left a wish-granting artifact on the mantelpiece! As Francine's words echoed, the trinket shimmered, unleashing a mystical energy that swept through every corner of the house.
When the dust settled, Klaus screamed inconsolably.
"Verdammt!" he cried, "I have breasts! Big, human ones!"
Stan, Steve, and Hayley, previously engrossed in their activities, looked up in shock. Indeed, they too were sporting Francine's trademark busty and curvy physiology. Stan, despite being a hardened CIA agent, almost fainted at the sight of his own cleavage. Steve was inexplicably excited, while Hayley just looked confusedly down at her own bosom, murmuring, “but I already had boobs, why are they bigger now?”
Klaus swam to the mirror in his fishbowl, squealed again, and confirmed the horrible truth—everyone in the Smith house was now a clone of Francine. Despite the petrifying shock, Stan and Steve couldn't help but marvel at their new forms. It seems the ludicrousness of the situation overshadowed their usually sharpened senses.
They decided to fix the situation, but predictably, things just got worse. They tried to break the artifact, but it retaliated by showering more energy, reaching beyond their home. Soon, everyone in Langley Falls was sporting the characteristic curves of Francine. News reports confirmed that even Barack Obama, then on a visit to the town, was indistinguishable from Francine.
Chaos ensued. Francine, incredibly flattered at first, was now downcast. The town was a sea of her voluptuous clones. Feminine swooshes were everywhere and, against all odds, mullets had become a fashion statement overnight.
In the end, it took Roger, unaffected due to his extraterrestrial immunity, to reverse the effects of the overzealous artifact and return things back to normal. The town threw a party, eagerly celebrating the return of their own bodies. Francine sighed in relief, content with her unique status. But deep down, they all missed a bit of that Francine-curviness, marking the day as the most chaotic and humorously unforgettable day in the history of Langley Falls.
This story was generated by user zach3 with assistance by one of OpenAI’s large-scale language-generation model; prompts used to help generate the story are shown below.
Images were generated with OpenAI's AI system, DALL·E 2, or uploaded by the user.
Prompt: Write and American Dad story where everybody in the Smith house turn into cloned of Francine because of a stupid wish she made. Stan, Steve and Klaus are thrilled at first to have Francine's busty and curvy body. When they try to fix it everything continues to go awry and soon the whole Town Of Langley Falls has Francine's curvy body.
Response: Title: The "Smithline" Epidemic It was one of those stupendously mundane days at the Smith residence. Steve, Stan, Hayley, and even the melodious Klaus were parked around the dinner table, their noses occupied with an indecipherable science homework, the evening newspaper, half-baked schemes, and the resemblance between Linda Belcher and a clinically depressed catfish, respectively. Francine, blessed as she was with the bosom and curves of a goddess, was flittering about the kitchen, whinging about her seemingly unnoticed glory. "Aren't I just the epitome of womanhood?" she cried dramatically, flinging a hand over her forehead. "It's a pity none of you chumps appreciate this!" She gestured at her fabulous self. Unconsidered, she wished out loud, "I wish everyone could be just like me!" Nobody knew that Francine's wish would take such a literal turn, least of all, Francine. But alas, as fate would have it, Roger, fond of his extraterrestrial trinkets, had left a wish-granting artifact on the mantelpiece! As Francine's words echoed, the trinket shimmered, unleashing a mystical energy that swept through every corner of the house. When the dust settled, Klaus screamed inconsolably. "Verdammt!" he cried, "I have breasts! Big, human ones!" Stan, Steve, and Hayley, previously engrossed in their activities, looked up in shock. Indeed, they too were sporting Francine's trademark busty and curvy physiology. Stan, despite being a hardened CIA agent, almost fainted at the sight of his own cleavage. Steve was inexplicably excited, while Hayley just looked confusedly down at her own bosom, murmuring, “but I already had boobs, why are they bigger now?” Klaus swam to the mirror in his fishbowl, squealed again, and confirmed the horrible truth—everyone in the Smith house was now a clone of Francine. Despite the petrifying shock, Stan and Steve couldn't help but marvel at their new forms. It seems the ludicrousness of the situation overshadowed their usually sharpened senses. They decided to fix the situation, but predictably, things just got worse. They tried to break the artifact, but it retaliated by showering more energy, reaching beyond their home. Soon, everyone in Langley Falls was sporting the characteristic curves of Francine. News reports confirmed that even Barack Obama, then on a visit to the town, was indistinguishable from Francine. Chaos ensued. Francine, incredibly flattered at first, was now downcast. The town was a sea of her voluptuous clones. Feminine swooshes were everywhere and, against all odds, mullets had become a fashion statement overnight. In the end, it took Roger, unaffected due to his extraterrestrial immunity, to reverse the effects of the overzealous artifact and return things back to normal. The town threw a party, eagerly celebrating the return of their own bodies. Francine sighed in relief, content with her unique status. But deep down, they all missed a bit of that Francine-curviness, marking the day as the most chaotic and humorously unforgettable day in the history of Langley Falls.
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