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Kim Possile Embarassing school day:

Kim was running late to cheerleadng practice. When she arrived Bonnie and the other girls was pretty furious. Kim apologize too the girls. They start practice but when they are making a pryramide and Kim is at the top Ron is running through the door and accidentally bumps into the girls.

They all fall except Bonnie who quickly see her moment too embaress Kim. Bonnie sees a baby pram and place it so Kim falls into the pram.

When the girls start to get on their feet they see kim struggeling getting up from the pram red of embarresment because she accedentaly peed her skirt. They all laugh at her and even Ron can't help laughing.

Bonnie then takes charges of Kim and start treating her like a baby. She gets a diaper, bonnet, bib and pink frilly tutu, and force Kim into baby clothes. Kim tries to stop her but somehow Bonnie is stronger.

Kim then yells for Ron to help but he just laughs at her and start pinching her cheeks and say:" Awww Kimberlyn, you look you cute as a big baby, awww coochie coooo, who is a cutesie patotie". Ron then says too Bonnie that he thinks this is a good idea.

The other girls laugh at Kim and think she deserves this for always thinking that she is the best and can do anythng. When Kim start too yell, Bonnie straps her into the pram and make train noises to patronizingly make Kim drink from a baby bottle.

Bonnie says:" Awww does kimberlyn need her baba, here comes the chooo choo train, chooo choo, haha, open wide princces poopie pants".

Kim tries to fight but Bonnie is again too strong so she have to drink the milk. The other girls laugh and say:" Awww kim is a baby, Awww look at her drinking her baba, she looks so cute in her tutu and frlly bonnet, maybe she should be our widdle mascot, lets call her princces nookie nuk nuks".

Wen Kim is done drinking she is furious and start yelling:" Stop this now or i will make you regr...". Ron then takes her out of her pram and says:" It's you who need to be quiet, babies should be seen not heard, widdle cutesie patotie". Ron then slaps a pacifier in kims mouth and takes her over his knee and start spanking her. Kim tries to get free while Bonnie and the other girls can't stop laughing and baby talk to her.

Kim then first kicking her legs and throwing a tantrum over Rons knee but after 10 minutes she starts bawling like a baby and screams" I want my mami, i am sorry waaaahhh".

Ron then laughs and says:" Sorry baby, i can't understand that baby babbling, gugu gaga to you". Bonnie and the other cheer girls then cooohs at Kim and gives her patronizing kisses with red lipstick. Kim tries to run away but Ron a firm grip on her.

Kim is now covered in red lipstick marks on her face and cheeeks, with a bonnet, a frilly tutu and diaper, a bib and a pacifier while still being sore on her diaper butt.

Ron then gives her to Bonnie and says:" Now i will come pick you up later when you are done at practice being the new princces nookie nuk nuks mascot, see you later cutie patotie and behave or else i will give you more pow pow on your butt".

Bonnie is now smiling more and happely lift kim up while Kim is kicking and screaming she is not a baby, with the help from the other girls, they put her in a baby bouncer and put a rattle in her hand and a pompom in the other.

They then pinch her cheek and say:" Awwww, now you can practice you bouncing baby waby and remember to shake your rattle"

Bonnie then says:" Lets get on with our pratice while princces nookie nuks learns her place, Now be a good baby kimberlyn, cooochie coooh".

Kim was defeated and now she was bawling like a baby and couldn't belive she no longer was the tennage fighting cheerleader but just a big baby bouncing in baby bouncer while Bonnie was the new leader of the cheerleader group and Ron was now doing missions alone.

This story was generated by user michael9.

Images were generated with OpenAI's AI system, DALL·E 2, or uploaded by the user.

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The user wrote this story without the use of Write (with AI)'s AI tools.

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