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Matthew college student male to female transformation called Madison. reality alters so everyone besides the former Boy always though he was a girl. forced to watch as his dorm room becomes more feminine., his clothes also alter becoming more feminine. his glasses take on a feminine look,, his sweatpants is changing slowly starts from the ankle rising up to the knee then to the thigh and crotch and eventually cover her up to his high waist becoming form fitting leggings that hugged her body and she watches as material is changing intro a mix of nylon and spandex. she tries to stop her sweatpants turning into leggings, she pulls on them but can only watch as the material in her now slender fingers warps from a soft fleece to a stretchy black fabric. it is so tight that he is not able to fit his hands inside the leggings and the crotch space meant for male genitals shrinks until it disappears from the leggings now becoming just a seam were the two pieces were stitched together the material she pulls at the crotch space but when she lets go it now sits flat agents her now female anatomy with no hint of a buldge describe the leggings, for her new female genitals do not require such a space the leggings now being skin tight to her body.

This story was generated by user brokenbroken3t9 with assistance by one of OpenAIā€™s large-scale language-generation model; prompts used to help generate the story are shown below.

Images were generated with OpenAI's AI system, DALLĀ·E 2, or uploaded by the user.

AI Prompts

Prompt: Matthew college student male to female transformation called Madison. reality alters so everyone besides the former Boy always though he was a girl. forced to watch as his dorm room becomes more feminine., his clothes also alter becoming more feminine. his glasses take on a feminine look,, his sweatpants is changing slowly starts from the ankle rising up to the knee then to the thigh and crotch and eventually cover her up to his high waist becoming form fitting leggings that hugged her body and she watches as material is changing intro a mix of nylon and spandex. she tries to stop her sweatpants turning into leggings, she pulls on them but can only watch as the material in her now slender fingers warps from a soft fleece to a stretchy black fabric. it is so tight that he is not able to fit his hands inside the leggings and the crotch space meant for male genitals shrinks until it disappears from the leggings now becoming just a seam were the two pieces were stitched together the material she pulls at the crotch space but when she lets go it now sits flat agents her now female anatomy with no hint of a buldge describe the leggings, for her new female genitals do not require such a space the leggings now being skin tight to her body.

Response: Matthew, now Madison, was rooted to the spot, aghast yet captivated as an inexplicable inception of transformation took place. A once-strong and charismatic college male, Matthew had found himself awakening to a reality devoid of nuances he was accustomed to; a reality in which he was no longer a boy, but Madison - a girl. The simultaneous sense of dread and curiosity hung heavily in her chest as this bizarre yet tangible reality embedded into her being. Starting with her dorm room, memories of the masculine clutter that once inhabited the space merged into neat and whimsical feminine order that now dominated. Sports posters were replaced with sparkling fairy lights, muscular gear turned into soft blush towels, and the hard lines of her desk softened into curves. The room decorated itself in hues of pastel and scents of lavender, as if it always had been that way. His clothes, too, seemed bound to the rules of this new reality. Not mere illusion, but tangible reality, as Madison's broad glasses morphed into a slender, ovoid shape, highlighting her now full and curvaceous cheeks. The once thick-rimmed frames on her spectacles adorning her face, replaced with delicate feminine accents matched to her softer features, bold lines turning into graceful curves. What grasped her attention most painfully, however, were the sweatpants. As Madison held them in her hands, reality's cruel trick began to make its changes, starting at the ankles. The material slowly shifted upwards, from grey fleece to a tight-fitting, stretchy black fabric made from a nice blend of nylon and spandex. It clung to her slim, newly formed feminine legs, coiling up past the knees, thighs until it reached her waist. Each pulsating moment graced her with an article of clothing that was increasingly cringeworthy yet oddly erotic. Despite her efforts to halt the relentless progress, Madison's slender fingers could do nothing but watch as her new leggings took form. They were imbued with a hint of surreal beauty, but the prospect of wearing these new leggings induced a daunting sense of trepidation in her. They were so skintight that even the thought of slipping a hand inside seemed absurd, and as the transformation continued, the once spacious male-centric crotch space of the sweatpants succumbed to the laws of the new reality, shaping itself to the contours of her new form. With a futile tug at the dwindling space, Madison came to terms with the sleek seam that was now lying flat against her new feminine form. The leggings emphasising the absence of something once significant. Now it was more of a vestige, a conspicuous reminder of who Matthew once was. These new leggings, smooth and tight on her skin, were an unforgivable yet strange testament to the extraordinary magic of Matthew's unexpected transformation into Madison. Thus, Madison: the petite college girl, stood before the mirror. In these new leggings that molded to her perfectly, the world taking no notice of the dramatic change but for the girl herself, looking at her reflection both fascinating and horrifying. This is her - Madison - and the world will continue turning as if it always was.

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