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"Legends and Lore: Unveiling the Extraordinary Ecosystems of Planet Zoo 2"

2 Points
"An image showcasing a diverse list of new species that could be added to 'Planet Zoo 2.' It includes living animals like the Madagascar Fossa, Saola, Okapi, and Kakapo, alongside recently extinct animals such as the Thylacine and Baiji Dolphin. Prehistoric creatures like the Woolly Mammoth and Triceratops are also featured, along with fictional beings like the Griffon, Dragon, and Mermaid. The image displays a rich biodiversity, blending reality and fantasy to cater to a wide range of interests

Certainly! Here is a diverse list of new species that could be added to "Planet Zoo 2," blending living animals, recently extinct animals, prehistoric creatures, and fictional beings:

### Living Animals
1. **Fossa**
2. **Saola (Asian Unicorn)**
3. **Yellow-Backed Duiker**
4. **Kakapo (Flightless Parrot)**
5. **Iberian Lynx**
6. **Visayan Warty Pig**
7. **Axolotl**
8. **Japanese Spider Crab**
9. **Harpy Eagle**
10. **Pangolin**

### Recently Extinct Animals
1. **Thylacine (Tasmanian Tiger)**
2. **Pinta Island Tortoise**
3. **Passenger Pigeon**
4. **Baiji Dolphin**
5. **Dodo**
6. **Quagga**
7. **Chinese Paddlefish**
8. **Gorilla Lemur (Archaeoindris fontoynontii)**
9. **Two-Spotted Kidoky (Hadropithecus stenognathus)**
10. **Giant Moa**

### Prehistoric Animals
1. **Woolly Mammoth**
2. **Saber-toothed Cat (Smilodon fatalis)**
3. **Glyptodon**
4. **Megalodon**
5. **Triceratops**
6. **Velociraptor**
7. **Archaeopteryx**
8. **Styracosaurus**
9. **Giant Ground Sloth (Megatherium)**
10. **Terror Bird**

### Fictional and Mythological Creatures
1. **Griffin (Griffon)**
2. **Phoenix**
3. **Unicorn**
4. **Dragon**
5. **Yeti (Abominable Snowman)**
6. **Minotaur**
7. **Mermaid**
8. **Chimera**
9. **Kraken**
10. **Hydra**

These additions would enhance the biodiversity of the game and provide players with a unique blend of reality and fantasy, catering to a wide range of interests and imaginative scenarios.

This story was generated by user Eshtama with assistance by one of OpenAI’s large-scale language-generation model; prompts used to help generate the story are shown below.

Images were generated with OpenAI's AI system, DALL·E 2, or uploaded by the user.

AI Prompts

Prompt: Write a list of new species that would be added to Planet Zoo's sequel, Planet Zoo 2 (including living animals, recently extinct animals, prehistoric animals, and fictional (including mythological) creatures).

Response: Certainly! Here is a diverse list of new species that could be added to "Planet Zoo 2," blending living animals, recently extinct animals, prehistoric creatures, and fictional beings: ### Living Animals 1. **Madagascar Fossa** 2. **Saola (Asian Unicorn)** 3. **Okapi** 4. **Kakapo (Flightless Parrot)** 5. **Iberian Lynx** 6. **Sun Bear** 7. **Axolotl** 8. **Japanese Spider Crab** 9. **Harpy Eagle** 10. **Pangolin** ### Recently Extinct Animals 1. **Thylacine (Tasmanian Tiger)** 2. **Pinta Island Tortoise** 3. **Western Black Rhinoceros** 4. **Baiji Dolphin** 5. **Tecopa Pupfish** ### Prehistoric Animals 1. **Woolly Mammoth** 2. **Saber-toothed Tiger** 3. **Dodo Bird** 4. **Megalodon** 5. **Triceratops** 6. **Velociraptor** 7. **Passenger Pigeon** 8. **Styracosaurus** 9. **Giant Ground Sloth (Megatherium)** 10. **Moa Bird** ### Fictional and Mythological Creatures 1. **Griffin (Griffon)** 2. **Phoenix** 3. **Unicorn** 4. **Dragon** 5. **Yeti (Abominable Snowman)** 6. **Minotaur** 7. **Mermaid** 8. **Chimera** 9. **Kraken** 10. **Hydra** These additions would enhance the biodiversity of the game and provide players with a unique blend of reality and fantasy, catering to a wide range of interests and imaginative scenarios.

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