Title: 'In Her New Skin'
Jay Louviere was a young and enthusiastic patrol officer in New York City, boarding his unit’s car for another busy shift. But something abruptly changed; in scant seconds, Jay morphed into Jamie. Astonishingly, no one seemed to notice or care. To her peers and superiors, Officer Jamie Louviere was always a woman, always another member of New York's finest in blue.
Jamie sat paralyzed in disbelief at first, attempting to understand her new reality. Her uniform fit differently now, curving with her body rather than falling in stark straight lines. The white, button-down shirt was neat and crisp, tailored to support the sturdy bullet-proof vest women in her department were designated. Her black, pleated pants, belted at her now smaller waist, molded to her new figure. Her standard leather duty belt hugged her hips, carrying her gold badge, gun, handcuffs and radio. There was an official feel to her uniform, a hard exterior that contrasted the transformation she felt within.
Trying to say her own name became a battle as "Jay" would shape on her tongue, but inevitably come out as "Jamie". She clenched her fist in grave frustration as her own identity seemed to escape her. Jamie cringed at the sudden femininity that she carried now. Words that would come out of her mouth seemed lighter, softer. There was a mindful grace in her actions. Her body language had shifted subtly - perfume replacing aftershave, her walk embodying a softer sway. She instinctually pulled her now long auburn hair into a bun without a hint of struggle, a hair tie materializing on her wrist where she was certain none had been. Department policy, she recalled. The realization twisted her gut.
To her horror, she found herself playing with her hair when she felt nervous. Her body exhibiting a subconscious femininity that she didn't feel the ownership of. The way she would cross her legs, tucking one ankle behind the other when she sat inside the patrol car. The way a smile played on her lips when she chatted with others, her laughter now soft chuckles. She felt lost in this body that was hers but behaved in ways she didn't dictate.
Panic set in as she tested her own sexual orientation, picturing women, trying to feel the same attraction she, as Jay, did. But it was gone. Her mind seemed to reject every memory she had with women and it was something that she was helpless to prevent. Men now filled her mind with an attraction that she couldn't understand, but couldn't contest. The former women now suffused with masculinity, a strange but fascinating allure that made her frantically try to recall the feminine attraction within, wholly failing each time.
Jamie Louviere, the police officer she had always been according to the rest of the world, existed in a reality that felt alien. She was lost between who she was and who she had become. As she hit the streets of New York, performing duties that would make any brave soul quiver, Jamie dove into the stringent job, hoping to rediscover herself within her duty, wearing her new skin as a testament to her endurance.
This story was generated by user tornuno394839 with assistance by one of OpenAI’s large-scale language-generation model; prompts used to help generate the story are shown below.
Images were generated with OpenAI's AI system, DALL·E 2, or uploaded by the user.
Prompt: when in the patrol car a young cop turned male to female. reality change everyone except for the former man remembers and thinks he was always a female officer. shows the difference with female officers. describes the female cop uniform. male name slowly shifts to female name and now unable to call herself by male name despite her efforts and also unable to use male pronouns. with now long hair that she using her hands and a new found hair tie on her wrist instinctually puts into a standard bun as department policy, this scares her as she did not even release she did this also now noticing how she has taken on female mannerism like how she talked, talked, and acted like how she now subconsciously crosses her legs when sitting down which she can not seem to sit another way and brushes her hair behind her ear, along with now subconsously playing with her hair when nervous. sexual orientation changes from woman to now only being attracted to men tries to resist this but is not able to as she tries to remember what she found attractive about woman but is not able to and she becomes frantic trying in vain to prove her attraction to woman.
Response: Title: 'In Her New Skin' Jay Louviere was a young and enthusiastic patrol officer in New York City, boarding his unit’s car for another busy shift. But something abruptly changed; in scant seconds, Jay morphed into Jamie. Astonishingly, no one seemed to notice or care. To her peers and superiors, Officer Jamie Louviere was always a woman, always another member of New York's finest in blue. Jamie sat paralyzed in disbelief at first, attempting to understand her new reality. Her uniform fit differently now, curving with her body rather than falling in stark straight lines. The white, button-down shirt was neat and crisp, tailored to support the sturdy bullet-proof vest women in her department were designated. Her black, pleated pants, belted at her now smaller waist, molded to her new figure. Her standard leather duty belt hugged her hips, carrying her gold badge, gun, handcuffs and radio. There was an official feel to her uniform, a hard exterior that contrasted the transformation she felt within. Trying to say her own name became a battle as "Jay" would shape on her tongue, but inevitably come out as "Jamie". She clenched her fist in grave frustration as her own identity seemed to escape her. Jamie cringed at the sudden femininity that she carried now. Words that would come out of her mouth seemed lighter, softer. There was a mindful grace in her actions. Her body language had shifted subtly - perfume replacing aftershave, her walk embodying a softer sway. She instinctually pulled her now long auburn hair into a bun without a hint of struggle, a hair tie materializing on her wrist where she was certain none had been. Department policy, she recalled. The realization twisted her gut. To her horror, she found herself playing with her hair when she felt nervous. Her body exhibiting a subconscious femininity that she didn't feel the ownership of. The way she would cross her legs, tucking one ankle behind the other when she sat inside the patrol car. The way a smile played on her lips when she chatted with others, her laughter now soft chuckles. She felt lost in this body that was hers but behaved in ways she didn't dictate. Panic set in as she tested her own sexual orientation, picturing women, trying to feel the same attraction she, as Jay, did. But it was gone. Her mind seemed to reject every memory she had with women and it was something that she was helpless to prevent. Men now filled her mind with an attraction that she couldn't understand, but couldn't contest. The former women now suffused with masculinity, a strange but fascinating allure that made her frantically try to recall the feminine attraction within, wholly failing each time. Jamie Louviere, the police officer she had always been according to the rest of the world, existed in a reality that felt alien. She was lost between who she was and who she had become. As she hit the streets of New York, performing duties that would make any brave soul quiver, Jamie dove into the stringent job, hoping to rediscover herself within her duty, wearing her new skin as a testament to her endurance.
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