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Write (with AI)

1. *The T. rex Chronicle*2. *The Stegosaurus Encounter*3. *The Triceratops Expedition*4. *On the Trail of Velociraptor*5. *Unveiling the Brachiosaurus*6. *A Diplodocus Adventure*7. *In Sear

0 Points
1. Thunder
2. Plated
3. Three-Horned
4. Swift
5. High-Shouldered in the style of Monet

1. **Tyrannosaurus rex** - Thunder Lizard
2. **Stegosaurus armatus** - Plated Lizard
3. **Triceratops horridus** - Three-Horned Lizard
4. **Velociraptor mongoliensis** - Swift Raptor
5. **Brachiosaurus altithorax** - High-Shouldered Giant
6. **Diplodocus longus** - Long-Necked Lizard
7. **Ankylosaurus magniventris** - Armor-Tailed Lizard
8. **Spinosaurus aegyptiacus** - Sail-Backed Tiamat
9. **Pteranodon longiceps** - Winged Glider
10. **Archaeopteryx lithographica** - Ancient Wing
11. **Megalodon** - Giant-Toothed Shark
12. **Iguanodon bernissartensis** - Thumb-Spiked Lizard
13. **Parasaurolophus walkeri** - Crest-Head Lizard
14. **Allosaurus fragilis** - Different Lizard
15. **Moschops capensis** - Bull-Headed Beast
16. **Quetzalcoatlus northropi** - Giant Sky Lizard
17. **Uintatherium anceps** - Knob-Headed Beast
18. **Megatherium americanum** - Giant Ground Sloth
19. **Glyptodon clavipes** - Armored Armadillo
20. **Plesiosaurus dolichodeirus** - Sea Serpent

These names aim to reflect distinctive physical traits, behaviors, or ecological niches, making them relatable and memorable for modern-day reference.

This story was generated by user Fizzarolli-Attack-2 with assistance by one of OpenAI’s large-scale language-generation model; prompts used to help generate the story are shown below.

Images were generated with OpenAI's AI system, DALL·E 2, or uploaded by the user.

AI Prompts

Prompt: Write a list of common names for extinct and prehistoric animals that don't have them (unlike some including Smilodon fatalis, which is known as the "saber-toothed cat", or Mammuthus primigenius, which is known as the "woolly mammoth", or even the recently extinct Raphus cucullatus, which is known as the "dodo"). For example, Tyrannosaurus rex could be known as the "king tyrant". However, do not use the name meanings for their scientific names (for example, do not use "tyrant lizard king" for Tyrannosaurus rex, and instead just name it as if it were a modern living animal, similarly to modern animals like, for example, lions and African bush elephants). Also note that these common names have to be realistic (for example, do not use "ancient whale" nor "king lizard" for Basilosaurus (especially the former since Basilosaurus was a whale and not a reptile) and instead call it "serpentine whale" or "giant serpent whale").

Response: 1. **Tyrannosaurus rex** - Thunder Lizard 2. **Stegosaurus armatus** - Plated Lizard 3. **Triceratops horridus** - Three-Horned Lizard 4. **Velociraptor mongoliensis** - Swift Predator 5. **Brachiosaurus altithorax** - High-Shouldered Giant 6. **Diplodocus longus** - Long-Necked Lizard 7. **Ankylosaurus magniventris** - Armored Tail Lizard 8. **Spinosaurus aegyptiacus** - Sail-Backed Hunter 9. **Pteranodon longiceps** - Winged Glider 10. **Archaeopteryx lithographica** - Ancient Wing 11. **Megalodon** - Giant Tooth Shark 12. **Iguanodon bernissartensis** - Thumb-Spiked Lizard 13. **Parasaurolophus walkeri** - Crest-Head Lizard 14. **Allosaurus fragilis** - Different Lizard 15. **Moschops capensis** - Bull-headed Beast 16. **Quetzalcoatlus northropi** - Giant Sky Lizard 17. **Uintatherium anceps** - Knob-Headed Beast 18. **Megatherium americanum** - Giant Ground Sloth 19. **Glyptodon clavipes** - Armored Armadillo 20. **Plesiosaurus dolichodeirus** - Sea Serpent These names aim to reflect distinctive physical traits, behaviors, or ecological niches, making them relatable and memorable for modern-day reference.

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