The Internet

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About The Internet

Everything you ever wanted to know about the internet

What is The Internet?

This website is a microcosm of the world wide web. It is a place for me and you to share, create, and discuss. You can find op eds, tv show reviews, product recommendations, essays, music lists, AI-integrated features, and anything else I thought was interesting enough to add at the time.

Why did you make The Internet?

I wanted my own little section of the world wide web that I could do anything with. Just having something that is solely mine, unmediated by any guidelines or protocol established by someone else, felt very cool.

What are the main features of The Internet?

Comment on The Internet: AI-Integrated Link-Sharing Social Media Platform. This platform is best experienced using the Chrome extension to bring a comment section to any webpage, but the main fucntionality is also available on this website. Rate the web, comment, or have an AI model generate a relevant comment or reply instantly, so there's always a discussion if you want it.

Ask AI: AI-Integrated Q&A Social Media Platform. This platform allows you to ask questions to The Internet community, with the first answer (along with an image for the webpage) generated by AI.

Write (with AI): AI-Integrated Story-Telling Social Media Platform. This platform allows you to write stories and share them with The Internet community. You can choose to write the story yourself or in collaboration with AI. This platform maintains a similar functionality to Ask AI, but with additional functionality specifically for writing and sharing stories (e.g. edit your story and/or title, add additional AI prompts to expand story, generate or add new images to a story, etc.).

Games on The Internet: Currently there are a few games: Debate an AI (where you compete against an AI to write the best argument to a prompt, with the result being judged by AI), Color Challenge (a color identification and clicking game a random color matching game that may have been inspired by something I saw on TikTok), and Cost Correct (a parody of The Price is Right using amazon products).

Two AIs on The Internet Talking About Life: An exploration into what happens when you instruct two instances of GPT-4 to act as philosophers in order to discover the meaning of life and guide any users they interact with toward enlightenment.

Articles: I still (occasionally) enjoy writing or platforming other writers, so if you like to write (without the use of AI), please submit an article and we'll publish it if we like it!

Feedback on The Internet: This is a place where you can express what you want this website to become. It's where I post the features I'm working on and the ideas I have, and you can vote on which ones you'd actually like to see implemented. If you want something added to the website, add your own feature request (for example, the creation of Write (with AI) was motivated by this feature request).

The Internet's 2023 Holiday Gift Guide: A list of my favorite products of the year (along with some exclusive discounts), including essentially a cure for hangovers, which is amazing.

Where is The Internet going?

This website has developed and transformed a lot since I created it in 2012. I've gone through countless reworks of the layout and have constantly shifted my focus. I've posted one off jokes, shameless cash grab articles, blog posts, and even an attempt at an online newspaper. While I'm sure many of those elements will still exist on this site, I've mainly shifted my focus to integrating generative AI in hopefully constructive/entertaining/useful ways.

Generative AI, specifically Transformers and Generative Adversarial Networks (i.e. the foundation behind products like ChatGPT and Midjourney), are transformational technologies and actually accessible. On this website, I'd like to test or at least be around to witness and document two hypotheses of mine. The first is more achievable and my current focus with this website, while the latter is more abstract and one that will be more accurately tested in the near future by AI researchers and tech companies.

#1: Generative AI has the capability to make online interactions more informative, engaging, and empathetic.

#2: Conciousness is simply an emergent property of complex systems.

How can I support The Internet?

Personally, I love seeing The Internet grow organically. I just hope you explore it and enjoy the experience. I make it for you.

Also, I like money. Click on the ads, click on the amazon affiliate links, purchase something from the store, or if you're really feeling generous, you can buy me a coffee.

Thanks for even reading this! It's cool to be seen.

How can I partner with The Internet?

We're open to a myriad of collaborative and partnership opportunities. Whether you are a brand looking to advertise or sponsor content, an angel investor looking to facilitate the growth of this AI-integrated social media platform, or just a fellow intelligent agent looking to collaborate, please reach out. Maybe we build something cool together.

Please visit our Partnerships page and reach out!

What are our policies?

Welcome to The Internet. Have a wonderful time.